

This is me, I’m a 48 year old male living in Pennsylvania, U.S.A, or you might just want to call it, hell.

VindictiveBastard.com is my online home, and my place to release feelings or what not on certain issues. Just like anyone else out there in the shitty world, my “life” sucks dick and relationships are considered just plain bullshit, well in my “book” anyways.

Here at VindictiveBastard.com, I share anything from real life experiences, to “lessons of life” that I have learned. And I just thought I would share them all with you peoples. I just hope that nobody takes these things to heart, or personally…that is not my intention.

Really, I’d like for people to “learn” from the shit that I have gone through, or have been experiencing and maybe put it to use in your life. Usually you have to “read between the lines” to find a “lesson”, and sometimes it’s right there infront of you.

Either way..I hope you like my site, and again, welcome. Thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy your visit. Also, if you’d like….please share my site with friends, family or who ever. Thank you for your time.

About Our Content

Our content here at VindictiveBastard.com will contain swearing, ranting, insults, funny images, sarcastic comments, and whatever else I can think of adding here.

Our content is not intended to point fingers at anyone specifically. I just hope that everyone can relate to the content that I have here, in some way, shape or form.

If you would like to add anything to VindictiveBastard.com, please feel free to send me an email via the Contact page or click on the register link to join and post your comments.

I hope you enjoy it here at VindictiveBastard.net and again, thank you for visiting and for your time.