Tag Archives: miss jackie
- 26 August, 2008
- Mr. Sarcastic Charismatic Asshole-astic Wonderfully Fantastic…– also tagged amazement, asshole, awesome, bed, charismatic, cleaned, custodian, damn, fantastic, farm-hand, farmers, fuck, fuck it, head, hell, immature, job, myself, night shades, planet, sarcastic, shit, shittiest, sleep, spotless, sunglasses, wear, wonderfully, YMCA
Yeah, that’s me. I guess you could also say I’m immature and so forth as well. But, oh well, fuck it to hell! Why? Because, it’s just ME! And I’m wonderfully awesome no matter what anyone else thinks…because yeah, that’s just how it is… For example; when I used to be a shitty custodian at […]
- 21 December, 2007
- Miss Jackie gets a make over!– also tagged after, attract, before, folks, Heidi, jackie, medications, picture
Miss Jackie evidently thought she should get a make over in order to attract me. I’m not sure where she got that crazy idea from, but I’m guessing she missed her medications again… Anyway, since she wasn’t nice enough to send me her BEFORE and AFTER pictures herself, I had to dig them up myself… Here […]
- 5 December, 2007
- Random thoughts…– also tagged age, aliens, bad, bank account, camel toes, Celebrities, days, drive, drugs, female, fuck, good, gram, hit-on, human, important, internet, late, legal, machines, money, offline, old, online, pap, parties, pedophiles, people, police, pussy, pussy lips, sagging, Sasquatch, shit, single, slow, spammers, special occasions, underage, wallet, wealth, weather, wrinkled
Here are some random thoughts going through my mind lately… Maybe you can relate to them, maybe not. I really don’t give a shit either way… 1.) What species is Miss Jackie? I mean, she must be human. But yet, it’s hard to believe that, ya know? She kinda looks like a man, yet a […]
- 2 December, 2007
- Knick, Knack, Paddy Whack (This Old Man)– also tagged big, bitch, bone, cat, cats, cattle, cunt, dicks, disgusting, dog, door, elephant, food, fucking, grocery store, hard-on, Heaven, hell, Jesus, junk, junk food, Knack, Knick, knob job, man, nosed, Paddy Whack, shelves, sick, slut, stable, steal, This Old Man, whore
It’s that time again people, time for another version of a nursery rhyme Twisted style! Sing it people! Knick, Knack, Paddy Whack (Miss Jackie Is Fat, Ugly, And Needs A Smack)… This fat ugly sow, she played two, she played knick knack while eating her poo. Ew Ewww… With a knick, knack, paddy whack, Give […]