Tag Archives: website
- 15 April, 2008
- I-Am-Mean.com– also tagged bitches, confession, domain, god, i-am-mean.com, life, mean, new, radio, session, stations, storms, things, TV, websites
After first hearing about my buddies new site I-Am-Mean.com, while he was in the process of coming up with the domain name and the thought behind. I was still intrigued. To me, it’s a place to go to unleash your deepest mean things you’ve done in life. I see it as an online confession session, where […]
- 16 February, 2007
- Add a Caption – For the day: 2/16/07– also tagged Add A Caption, captions, comment, link, name, person, themes.wordpress.net
I got this one from a person’s website, via their name link, in a comment they left on the themes.wordpress.net site.. Let’s have those CAPTIONS people!!