Author Archives: Twisted

2 February, 2023
Theme update

Velimir from is working on a responsive theme version for tablets and cell phones and we’re having issues with the hamburger menu at moment. Once it’s fixed I’ll comment on this post as an update. Then the theme will be accessible and working on tablets, cell phones, ipads, etc etc. Please bare with us while […]

25 January, 2023
Original blog theme is back again!

Thanks to Velimir from he helped me get my original theme back working again. Normally he charges 1,000.00 for custom themes but only charged me $60.00. Which was a huge relief and a big help. Thanks again Velimir for getting my old theme back up and running again. I originally paid $250.00 for the […]

29 December, 2022
Going through posts adding tags

I’m currently going through 467 posts or 47 pages worth of posts adding Tags to each post. It’s going to take fucking forever but it needs done. Hope everyone’s holidays are going good. That’s all, that’s it, no more shit.

6 December, 2022
Aww…A Christmas card from a neighbor…how sweet!

It’s that time of year again, time for sending out Christmas Cards! Isn’t this Christmas card sweet? It’s from a neighbor… It makes ya feel all warm and special, almost Christmagasmic… Twisted

30 November, 2022
I’m Baaaack!

Welp, it’s almost been 12 long years now and I’m finally back again whoo hoo! I’ve come into the world as one ranting Vindictive Bastard and I’ll be leaving the world as one as well. I’ve had many various domain names, as well as authors on this blog. But going to ride this ride out […]

11 September, 2011
Single mothers = cry me a river bullshit song and dance

All these mothers, single mothers, and etc.. want a man, a relationship with a man or whatever… But yet, don’t give two shits in the wind about the man anyway… Last I knew, relationships were about the female and male, raising and love the both mutual parties kids as a family whole. The mom, the […]

11 September, 2011
Every time I try to love…

It’s not but bullshit games anyway… They really don’t love you at all. It’s just a game, and the same game that pisses me the fuck off from beginning of time. And I’m fucking sick of it.. They all always put me/us down for certain things, yet they do the same things and shit. I’m […]

10 September, 2011
younger mothers = balls of bullshit…

I’m in no means able to really say if a person is willing to be a good mother or not, and don’t get me wrong though, there’s been some good mothers at younger ages, raising their kids well for sure… However! There’s some mothers, that are the bottomless pit of shit, fucking us men over […]

26 June, 2011
my thoughts to save money, and keep our troops safe and spend less on prisons… here we go…

Send the murderers overseas to fight wars, they’ll get out and have some “Freedom”, and at same time do what they do best. Murder people. Done. If they get killed, no big deal, no housing expenses necessary at all, and no death-row political drama necessary. It’s done deal. The more murderers from prison that goes […]

13 June, 2011
Internet Relationships = Bullshit

Thanks to a buddy of mine, I’ve now considered the fact that internet relationships are really and truly are bullshit. Here’s why… They’re too pussy to actually meet up with you. They’ve got too much going on in their life to consider you a factor in their life. They bitch, moan, groan, and whatever else […]