Category Archives: Bitches
- 11 September, 2011
- Single mothers = cry me a river bullshit song and dance– also posted in Feelings, Rants
All these mothers, single mothers, and etc.. want a man, a relationship with a man or whatever… But yet, don’t give two shits in the wind about the man anyway… Last I knew, relationships were about the female and male, raising and love the both mutual parties kids as a family whole. The mom, the […]
- 11 September, 2011
- Every time I try to love…
It’s not but bullshit games anyway… They really don’t love you at all. It’s just a game, and the same game that pisses me the fuck off from beginning of time. And I’m fucking sick of it.. They all always put me/us down for certain things, yet they do the same things and shit. I’m […]
- 13 June, 2011
- Internet Relationships = Bullshit
Thanks to a buddy of mine, I’ve now considered the fact that internet relationships are really and truly are bullshit. Here’s why… They’re too pussy to actually meet up with you. They’ve got too much going on in their life to consider you a factor in their life. They bitch, moan, groan, and whatever else […]
- 9 June, 2010
- Facebook Chat, and the bullshit…– also posted in Feelings, Rants
Here we go… Let’s run the chat all night, talk to folks, ones that might not click off with you, lets ignore em and or block em. It’s a damn shame though too, because the ones you’ve dissed and or blocked, could be the best friends of you. Little you know, the ones you’ve blocked […]
- 5 June, 2010
- The Flip Flop…– also posted in Rants
It’s always nice to land that “special someone” that you feel is the “one”, but there’s those times too, that you have to watch out for a sinking (relation)ship too, like the Titanic. This last one was about the size of the Titanic, although the size didn’t matter. It was the actions of it, that […]
- 5 May, 2010
- Fatty fuckness…– also posted in General, Rants
It’s one thing to admit to me you want me, then throw me to the wolf pack, crying wolf. You’ve known who I was, you know me, don’t be lying and shit and claiming to assume you made a mistake. I can’t help the fact that you’re a damn coward fatty fuck face. You rather […]
- 5 May, 2010
- The Puttet Master Moments..– also posted in Feelings, General, Rants
I just find it funny that Spencer always gets setup for trouble, yet the parents of their own fucking kids aren’t there to begin with to control them. I’m such a bad person, “Oh boo hoo, Spencer is talking to my daughter.. Booo hoo”. Little do you know that your little miss perfect princess isn’t […]
- 17 March, 2010
- All talk, no walk…– also posted in It Is Said, Rants
Basically the title says it. People are pansy fucks, they’re all talk, no walk… They say they’ll do something, yet don’t do it. Really must be nice to be hypocrite, and talking of wonders, only really to be so full of shit in the end anyway. I’m sorry, but I don’t have time for you […]
- 13 March, 2010
- Michelle Frye, fuck her in the pussy and you might die…– also posted in It Is Said
If you dove in without scuba gear that is…Jesus Mc Fucking Christmas Christ, she a big bitch! You’d need to wear a “Lawn and Leaf” garbage bag as condom to dive in it, and even then, she wouldn’t notice anything though… Although, that depends on the total weight and etc of course. We’d hate to sink […]
- 13 March, 2010
- It only takes one to link to me, then they all follow…– also posted in Rants
I noticed an in-coming referral link earlier the other night, and it’s listed on a chick’s blog from when the past drama whore clique was running amok… Of course I emailed her, asking for it to be removed, no response yet… But seriously, I don’t want these past drama whores following my blog. I’ve already […]