Now tell me this isn’t a face that a mother would love… Give me a big kiss people… Even though I look like a half-breed of the Joker from Batman movies and tv shows.. and a mentally retarded fuck-twat…
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Now tell me this isn’t a face that a mother would love… Give me a big kiss people… Even though I look like a half-breed of the Joker from Batman movies and tv shows.. and a mentally retarded fuck-twat…
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Here we go… Let’s run the chat all night, talk to folks, ones that might not click off with you, lets ignore em and or block em. It’s a damn shame though too, because the ones you’ve dissed and or blocked, could be the best friends of you.
Little you know, the ones you’ve blocked and shit-canned single handed, could be the ones of your best friends for life, but it don’t matter to you anyway. You lay your claims of bullshit, and want to make your merry land of friends, when half of them back stab you from begin with.
One minus one is one negative 2, I gotta deal with… Fuck it, you’re gone. Good bye. Merry Life of you… *hugs n kisses*
Here is why…
Both male and female are spending their precious time grunting, moaning, groaning, biting on a piece of stick, pushing out one or two things through a small hole. In the end, they either have one or two little or big shits to deal with. One or two, they’ll always need some tissue.
Either way, they all have to be taken care of… Only difference is, the real shits get flushed, and the others just never seem to get enough.
I actually wanted to forgive this bitch and not say a word about her. But I can’t help it. It just has to be said…
She’s a loser, low life bitch, that’s apparently not happy with her with boyfriend, she’s out looking for dick. It’s one thing to claim you’re fine and dandy with who you got, then to flip it and not be it. You called me names, you claim me to be bi-polar, and I’m not. You are!
I’m surprised you have so many twitter followers though, you treat them like shit, bitch, moan, groan, and complain… picking fits and bitching. I’m surprised you have many friends at all. Most claim you to look like a wet dog; attractive. Some poor sopping soak dog bitch that’s been weather torn. You’re a sour cunt bitch, that doesn’t deserve friends. You just need to lay in a coffin some where and rot.
You claimed and slandered me to hack your shitty ass lastfm account a few weeks ago, and I’m sorry cunt. I don’t hack, nor do I know how to. It’s also sweet that you call me idiot in the same sentence that you’re claiming me smart enough to hack your shit… I told you I wouldn’t do anything that nasty to you if I tried. You still left up your slanderous shit against me, you went out on the limb to make me look bad on a message board staff forum. Where I didn’t have access to at all, I couldn’t defend myself bitch.
It’s always nice these coward, liar hypocrite fucks can speak so much, where’s a damn mirror when we need it? I wasn’t even online at the time you were hacked, nor was I around the forums when ever you claimed me to be doing wrong. You’re a paranoid bitch, and I’m surprised your BF hasn’t left you already. No wonder you’re looking though, you must have a feeling he’ll leave you for your bitch-ness.
It’s pretty pathetic as well, cause she’s “friends” with old drama whore “Jenn”. They all run in packs. All them unhappily married or taken drama fucks that only has one thing better to do, and that’s to stir up drama. They’re all sour cunts. Plain and simple. Spread your shit words like a virus cunt, that’s what you all do best. In the end, you’ll lose the rest.
I just find it funny that Spencer always gets setup for trouble, yet the parents of their own fucking kids aren’t there to begin with to control them. I’m such a bad person, “Oh boo hoo, Spencer is talking to my daughter.. Booo hoo”. Little do you know that your little miss perfect princess isn’t all she’s cracked up to be…
Drinking your liquor stash while you ain’t home, fucking whoever, when ever, throwing parties with their friends and shit. Lying every chance they get. Lying sluts, and cheats, fucking nasty little bitches they are. Head-game players worse than I ever was. Yeah, you got me not to worry about you fucking dumb fuck parents. Control your own cattle herd of rampage slut bitches.
You’re all fucking head game playing sluts, cheats, liars, you’re idiots to think you’ll ever be someone “special” to anyone. You’re all head game playing lying cunts. Fuck you all.
First off, let me just say that this isn’t geared towards the female gender; unless of course you have a huge sagging nut sack or a tranny, so please don’t take offense…
I’m not sure which dumb fuck created these things, but they need to stop creating them and selling them! And certain dumb-asses need to stop installing them in their houses! It’s one thing if you’re a male that don’t have a huge sagging nut sack, but for people like me we need the higher seats…
Thank God I thought quick, and rescued Peter Johnson and his two little nutty children before the ship sank. Now I have to clean them all off, and ship them off on the proper boat… Although; I just have to make sure they still won’t end up down a whirlpool some how. I’m done with this shit; flush!