Tag Archives: folks
- 8 March, 2010
- Backstabbers and shit talkers….– also tagged back-stab, bitches, bullshit, friends, fuck, games, narcs, pansy, punks, pussy, shit
They can lick my nuts and fuck off. They too pussy to talk directly to me, they gotta talk their shit smack talk to others… They can’t talk to me directly, they’re pussy. I hate them, I hate you too! Wanna be punks and dissers. Talk to me, not behind my back… Cowards. I’ll level […]
- 18 March, 2008
- YMCA Memberships are constantly on the up and up at work…– also tagged bed, climbing, cupboards, fat, fatty, fit, fucks, lazy, memberships, morning, muscles, names, refrigerators, slim, TV, TVs, video games, work-out, workout, YMCA
I started working there a year ago, and back then the memberships never really climbed at all. It was usually the same damn members day in and day out… but lately, wow… they are really on the up and up… What’s funny, but yet sad, is that most of the NEW members aren’t fat ass […]
- 21 December, 2007
- Miss Jackie gets a make over!– also tagged after, attract, before, Heidi, jackie, medications, miss jackie, picture
Miss Jackie evidently thought she should get a make over in order to attract me. I’m not sure where she got that crazy idea from, but I’m guessing she missed her medications again… Anyway, since she wasn’t nice enough to send me her BEFORE and AFTER pictures herself, I had to dig them up myself… Here […]
- 19 December, 2007
- Add a Caption – For the day: 12/19/07– also tagged Add A Caption, bashmyex.com
That’s right folks, “Add a Caption” is back!! Okay folks, here’s our NEWEST Add A Caption since how long ago!?!?!? MONTHS AGO!! Add those captions! This picture was originally added on Bashmyex.com.