Wouldn’t it be awesome if…


That would be fucking awesome! Just imagine, sitting at home wacking off to porn on the internet or playing stupid video games all day long or something and then get paid for it!The only work you’d have to do is, walk to your mailbox to see if the check came! Hahaha! Damn! I would love that!

Here below is an example job listing and pay rate, for whatever you chose as your job and how much you’d make for doing it!

JOB DESCRIPTION: WACK OFF TO INTERNET PORNO AND GET PAID TO DO IT! Starting rate is $10.00 an hour and you’d get the full benefit package! Also, you can make your own hours to!

Here below is an example of your hours for a weeks worth of wacking and smacking it! And how much you would make in a week for doing it! 

Lets pretend you wacked off for a 100 hours a week! So if you wacked off 20 hours a day for a week straight, you’d make $1,000.00! How can you beat it!? Well…I better re-phrase that one LOL! I mean…how could you not beat it!

That would be the best fucking job ever! I’d be a fucking millionaire before I turned 30! LOL! Anyways..I gotta go wack off now…hahaha naa…just kidding! Laterz..


(P.S Really I am going to wack it and smack it, but..shhh be quiet! Hahaha!)

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