Update on the Default v2.5 theme…

I have now updated this again. As far as I know, since I’m not a “widget professional” or anything.. I have now made it “widget friendly” for the sidebar.php file and the functions.php file.

I’m not sure exactly if it’s “done” right or not, but..I downloaded this widgets plugin from here, and added the sidebar.php and functions.php file from that, into the default theme.

I also had fixed the archives, so when unzipping them, it doesn’t place the default folder, three folders in. I missed it before, but apparently…when unzipping it, it put it like this:

So now it’s like it’s supposed to be:

I reuploaded the corrected archives now, the download links are the same of course.. I just wish they would add this to the next release of WordPress 2.0.4 lol. Well, even the orginal version, with the “fixes” applied would be great..

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