Gas prices = horse shit!

It’s pretty fucked up that the cost of a gallon of gas, is about the same price as a pack of Marlboro cigarettes.

Hell, even minimum wage don’t cover near the cost of a gallon of gas. I think all those top dog assholes controlling the gas prices need shot. It’s a sad shame, that even if you worked 8 hours a day at minimum wage, half your days worth of pay is gone already in the gas tank…

I mean, “wear and tear” on the vehicle has to be accounted for as well as the gas to get around. To be fair, they should reduce the prices of vehicles in general, to leave some “leeway” so all us not so wealthy pricks can afford to get around…

Sure, we could all stop using cars and just buy a horse and buggy. But think of all the costs that goes into those too! I’d rather change the oil in a car every 3,000 miles, than clean up horse shit on a daily fucking basis. Not to mention having to feed the damn thing every day / night and all that extra other horse shit ya gotta do…

And let’s not forget, how much longer it will take to get around where you need to go if you’re in a horse and buggy… I guess, either way you’re screwed out of money, and either way… you end up dealing with more horse shit than ya really need to start with… Fucking horse shit…

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