Fart obsession, much?

Generally I browse through the IMDb (The Internet Movie Database) about various actors and actresses to see what all movies they’ve played in and what-not, but this one person on a message board takes the cake.

garfodie2005 apparently is a 12 year old kid (age unknown for sure, but he surely acts like a 12 year old) because of his obsession with farts, or meeting actors because of their farts…

Um, okay kid…I highly doubt that you’ve met J.K. Simmons in an elevator on the 18th floor, by a fart… And then you just happen to be going to the 18th floor again with George Lopez, and the same thing happened?

If you read through most of this kid’s posts for message board replies, you’ll find that’s about all he asks about or talks about… Daniel BaldwinDanny DeVitoThe Apprentice (2004) series, Burn Notice (2007), and Jeffery Ross to name a few.

To help you out a little bit, why not take empty jelly jars around with you, to catch these farts? Of course don’t poke holes in the lids though, this way the farts will remain inside the jars. Maybe you could sell them on E-Bay? Listings could read like… “George Lopez fart, 2K bid start… Anything lower would smell like my own fart! An insult, because mine are of burnt Vaseline cause daddy rails my ass every night with his big cock. Haha t-hehehe.”

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