I’ll be Updgrading to WordPress 2.0.4 Alpha here soon..

UPDATE: Upgrading has been completed now, hopefully everything will be ok from here on out. icon_smile-5303702 I also removed that “tune-up” plugin that fixed various bugs in 2.0.3. Well, everything seems to be running smoothly for me now.. :D

Like I said below here, if any more “fixed” files comes through the wp-testers list, I’ll just replace those in the FTP directory with them. ;)

Even though I’ve been replacing “fixed” files for WordPress throughout the past few days, the supposed version of WordPress 2.0.4-alpha came through the email list today..

So, I’m planning on just uploading those files and doing the upgrade, and then from there, if files were “Fixed” and such, I’ll just replace them with the “latest fixed” ones then..

So, if the site is acting screwy, that’s why. =P I just thought I’d let everyone know ahead of time. Hopefully *alot* of those little bugs and shit are gone now.. Anyways, just hang tight..

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