Since I’m a loser and a retard because I contradict myself all the time…

You know, being that all my previous rant posts were dated originally around the early 2000’s, and were written up while I was drunk off my ass and pissed off… You’d think people with a brain would figure out it’s pretty normal and bound to happen…

Especially after so much time has passed, and the fact that the more recent posts were done while I was sober… Really, it’s only expected to have alot of contradictions going on within my posts… For all the dumb fucks out there, that think they’re smart but are dumb as farts… I’ll break it down for you…

1.) Most of my past rants (from; 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005) were done while drunk off my ass, and pissed off. Most of the past rants were pertaining to issues at hand, at that specific time as well…

2.) From Feb 2006, to present time.. I hadn’t had a drop of beer or liquor. Naturally, if you compare someone with a drunken state of mind, to a sober state of mind…their views, opinions, and so forth or totally different…

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Anyway, I’ll keep everyone posted about the posts later. I’m tired as hell… later…

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