We want your opinion!

Geee Whiz! Shitty Juno (internet dial up service) wants my opinion!

Dear Juno Member,

Because of your valued membership, Juno, on behalf of Compete.com, would like to offer you the opportunity to participate in this survey and get your feedback. Answering these questions is all it takes to make your voice heard. It should take you approximately 15 minutes to complete this questionnaire once your eligibility is determined.

To participate, click on the link below:

(You may need to copy and paste this link into your web browser.)

We would like to assure you that this is for research purposes only and does not involve sales of any kind, now or in the future. Your individual answers will remain strictly confidential. Thank you in advance for your participation!

Well my opinion is short and sweet… JUNO IS NOTHING BUT A STEAMING PILE OF SHIT!

Well, it always has been though so…ah well, beggars can’t be choosers. I’m a cheap skate, so, I just gotta live with the shit… *shrug*

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