
[Brand New] Upgrade done…


It’s about fucking time, but the upgrading of the Blog is done! Soon to be next, is changing of the theme here. Just a for-warning ahead of time…there will most likely be things a bit screwy.

This is because I had implemented all the fucking plugins to work on this current shitty theme to start with.. Meaning, once I do a theme change over..I’ll have to do the same with that theme then…

Please be patient while or when this happens..thanks..


[brand new] UPDATE!!


Sorry I didn’t get to that upgrade sooner, but it will be happening here before too long..

I’m going to disable all the shitty ass plugins and then upgrade to WordPress 2.0.1. Please be patient and deal with it until it’s all done.

I’m not sure about certain plugins working ok or not, if they don’t….I’ll delete them. Also..Im backing everything up, including the database…thanks for your time…


[brand new] If it wasn’t for scotty’s help…


I would have had everyone hitting my “404″ page for the blog all the time. But, besides installing Scotty’s Permalink Redirect WordPress Plugin

And then hitting him up on MSN Messenger for some further help with the blog’s redirects. I would have maybe lost alot of incoming hits or traffic. Since I had changed my blog’s location from:


I had noticed alot of error pages people would have been getting, an example such as this:

If people were coming in from search engine hits and some might have came in on this:…

They would have gotten a blog “404″ page before. But now, with the help of Scotty
By adding this code:

RewriteRule ^blog/(.*)$1 [R,L]

To the .htaccess file, now all them links are redirecting automatically. =) Example:…

Now redirects to the proper location of:…

An awesome THANKS! Goes to Scotty for this help. =) Ok, now it’s time to get to work on the new theme again lol…later..


[brand new] Wave goodbye to the shitty guestbook!



Besides the fucking shoutbox going down, I have now decided to get rid of the shitty guestbook too!! Fuck it, it’s too tiresome to deal with, let alone worrying about how it’s going to display in a different theme and shit.

God damn little things can even be a big pain in the fucking ass, especially for a lazy fucker like me that just doesn’t want to have to deal with it lmaO!

Anyways, let the count down of deletions begin! 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Ok!.. well..that’s not going to happen tonight…just writing this post took alot out of me! It’s time for bed!! I’ll prolly work on that horse shit tomorrow or somethings.. Later ppls…


[brand new] it’s coming near to the end!


I am going to back up every fucking thing…the shoutbox to the other demo blogs. Then I’m going to get rid of the shoutbox, even though I backed it up.

It’s coming down to the wire ppls. Just incase, I’m removing the whole shitty shoutbox. Before too long, you’ll also see a big change here. Just a forwarning. Thanks for your time..


[brand new] another msn chat log..


Here is just another crazy chat log from MSN Messenger…fuck it! Cause I don’t!

Twisted – says:
hahaha…drinking natty ice… lol
Twisted – says:
buzz kickin in already….only the third beer… but gots vodka to ….
Twisted – says:
Twisted – says:
what u doin tonight..
Twisted – says:
besides not caring about shitty softwares n shit
Twisted – says:
craSH says:
lol id ono
craSH says:
maybe working some or something
Twisted – says:
Twisted – says:
maybe drinkin or somethings….or something
Twisted – says:
cause ya sound or seem kinda like ya are or something…. did u miss AA class again lmaO! i know i did
Twisted – says:
Natural Ice is my sponser
craSH says:
Twisted – says:
all I know is I follow my “twelve steps” into the beer distributor to get my beer…
craSH says:
craSH says:

God damn us alcholics lmaO! Oh well…fuck it!


[brand new] quick yahoo chat log


Please keep in mind, even though I’m posting the shitty link to the shitty test blog for now, there still needs ALOT done over there. So don’t cream the jeans and shit, thinking that’s what’s going to be used here ok. Anyway, on with the chatlog!

twistedsociety666: YES!! FUCKING HELL YEAH!! The menus are working in both IE and FF thanks to Ainslie! Gave him access to the fuckin control panel n shit..
awan404: lol
awan404: you should release your
awan404: its looks good
twistedsociety666: hehe, I ain’t done with the bitch yet, a few more things yet….
twistedsociety666: well it’s like 98.999999999999 and 3/4% done though…
awan404: hahaha!
awan404: the 1/4 will take hell
twistedsociety666: i know, that’s what’s taking me so god damn long now….jesus, damn 1/4%’s n shit
awan404: looks horrible with IE
twistedsociety666: yeah i know, so does the contact page, that’s some of the shit i’m talkin about needs done yet
twistedsociety666: LOL!

Well, I figured fuck it and share a link to the Test Blog. But, alot might change before that actually becomes the main blog’s theme though, just a forwarning. Welp, that’s all, that’s it, no more shit! Later…

[brand new] Inregards to the shitty theme and shoutbox


Just to let people know, the theme is coming along pretty good so far. It’s probably about 98.999999999% done now, just some navigational bullshit to take care of yet and little odds and end things…

But, for the shoutbox, I will be eventually be putting it on “lock down”, because after all, I will be myself if they decide to put me in jail lmaO! Anyways, I will most likely be removing it from the blog, and also not be allowing comments or replies to my posts either.

This is because if I do happen to get jail time, I won’t be able to maintain my email box account and or reply any how to people’s smart assed comments and shit. But this won’t be happening right now, but towards the end of the month.

Just thought I’d let everyone know ahead of time, and if need be I’ll just keep bumping this to the front page. Thanks..


[Brand New] Update on main site, redirects..


The blog has now been moved from:


So hopefully everyone can get to the blog ok. Also keep in mind that I have two domain names that bring you to the same place. and

The one comes in handy, if say, the one isn’t paid up on time or something and isn’t working.

But, they are both good for some time yet. I’ll send more money here soon to the host and domain name registrar company. =)

Thanks for your time..


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