R.I.P. Thomas Taylor.. (1977 – 2008)

Feelings General

It was brought to my attention yesterday, that an old friend died on the 7th. Had I seen the write up about him sooner, I would have posted this sooner.

Thomas (Tom, Tommy) passed away at the age of 30, from an infection which stemmed from a surgical operation he had. It’s a shame too, because not only was he still young, but because he’s also leaving behind a fiancee and two sons.

I met Tom years ago through a friend. We had some disagreements from time to time, but we also shared quite a few good times as well, and partied ALOT back then too, LOL! But, as time went on, everyone kinda branched off to do their own thing(s), and then he moved off into another area of Pennsylvania, so it was harder to see him.

Anyway, I was planning on visiting him soon too. I heard he was back around the local area again, but was just too busy at the time to do the visiting. Damn it sucks. Fuck! I should have tried harder to make time to see him sooner. Just didn’t expect him to pass like that… :(

I guess it goes to show you, anyone could pass at anytime, from any cause… sigh. I’ll miss ya man. Rest peacefully. You’re in our hearts, mind, and prayers…

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