
Joe and I’s Yahoo Chat about MoShitta, I mean…Mozilla Thunderturd…

General Rants

Spencer: well actually.. that default theme is still fucked tho bro

Spencer: changing the theme is only temp solution

Joe: true

Spencer: “technically”

Joe: yea

Spencer: actually.. if that guy or them guys would have seen screen shots.. they would have SEEN it was default thunderturd theme.. LMAO

Joe: they did, they just didnt recongize it for some reason

Spencer: prolly got each others heads so far up the next guys ass.. to “see it”..

Joe: lol

Spencer: “i love mozilla more than you do!! i have 2 more posts/ comments in their support forums than you do!”… oh big fucking deal… big whooped de fucking do da!!

Spencer: LMAO


Spencer: “well, well.. i have the mozilla bed set and spent more at the mozilla gift store than you!! so there!!” … WHO FUCKIN CARES!!

Joe: hahahaha

Spencer: i do love that theme tho.. *starts fondling self*

Joe: lol

Joe: just like you love the new theme

Spencer: yep.. hey hey now.. one thing at a time.. i like to build up my sexual enjoyments and release the biggest load at once… not have multiple little loads…

Joe: i better not see any white stains on my theme MR.!!

Joe: lol

Spencer: LMAO

Spencer: *installs windshield wipers on the screen *


Spencer: fuckin juno

Joe: !! damn em!

Spencer: wait

Spencer: that issue is still there!!

Spencer: :(

Spencer: got little notification of new email.. and checked mail.. and boom that issue there still

Joe: :(

Actually, some of the conversation wasn’t included. But bottom line is, that guy that Joe knows said about changing my Thunderturd theme once, and then if THAT didn’t work, try creating a new profile and logging in under that new profile once.

EITHER WAYS, NO WAYS WORKED!! Because the Mozilla lovers fail to accept the fact that Mozilla is turning into a Microshit (Microsoft) Jr. So, with that in mind. Mozilla is now going to be called… MOSHITTA!! Or, MoShitty!!

I don’t know, I’m actually starting to like “Moshitty” better, because I could use it in a sentence like this… “Well, I always thought Microshit was the shittest software provider out there, but now they have some competition with Moshitty!”…

I dunno though, I’m still thinking Mozilla is in the lead now, it’s just seeming MoShitty than Microshit… LOL!

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Mozilla Thunderturd, I mean…Thunderbird is a piece of shit…

General Rants

Wow, I never thought I would be saying this, but, Microshit (Microsoft) has a new competitor now…

I always thought Microsoft was the leading software provider for SHIT, but apparently Mozilla wants to be “the one and only”, for providing the shit… Well, you can see for yourself in the images below…

Click these images to view the bigger versions…

I sure hope Mozilla fixes this shit! It would really suck dick if we had TWO mail clients going to hell in a hand-basket…

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