In case you haven’t noticed yet…


I got my ORIGINAL VindictiveBastard.COM back in my hands again! WHOO HOO! Fuck, it’s about god damn time!

Like I said before in a post, this domain name robbing motherfucking company took my domain right away, after it expired and they were trying to get $380.00 from me for me to get it back again.

I said, FUCK THAT SHIT! I might have worked hard to get that domain to where it was at… Alexa Rank of 99,000 and tons of visitors, account with and etc… But I ain’t going to shell out fucking $380.00 of my money that I spent on beer back then.. fuck that shit and fuck them too!

It was well worth the years of waiting though, until it came back on the free domain name market again. I just searched it last night and there it was… so I grabbed it! And here I am again… I gainer… I never lose lose, I always gain. Maybe not immediately like I do with chicks, but it does happen.. God I’m so fucking happy!

If you’re linking to my VB.NET domain, it’s ok… you won’t get lost! =D

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