Uhh, help me out here…
GeneralNo offense on this person’s design, because it’s actually kind of nice. But how in the hell could something like this design be asked for such a price?
But mine was too high!? It was traded for a $40.00 Partially coded portfolio template and design! I have this currently setting at $20.00!! And it’s NOT FUCKING GOING!?! In my humble opinion it’s worth about $30.00 to 40.00!?
What the hell!? I know people are fucking cheap skates, but Holy Shit! What needs done?? I mean, it’s not like I don’t have good iTraders! I never ripped anyone off! I haven’t done anything wrong to anyone or whatever…
What the hell do you want?
a) For me to PAY YOU to get rid of my original $100.00 worth of PSDs, that you want for $0.00 balances?
c) My bank account, a co-signed paycheck from my job, and free $200.00 worth of Mitsubishi replacement car parts I have laying around here, and I’ll even cover the $200.00 shipping to ship to you, on top of losing $40.00 plus on the 4 PSDs that I originally spent $100.00 on? (Excuse me, but the ones I have ARE far better then some of the shit going through the DigitialPoint.com forums currently, at same prices or higher!)
Jesus Fuck CHEAP SKATES!! It’s pretty sad actually, people demand everything Dirt Cheap to the point of the good stuff going at Negative balanced prices!?!
I’ll have to get into the “shit design and selling business” I guess, because it’s the only thing going like hot cakes these days!
SHIT = Sells!
Good stuff = Don’t sell for a SHIT! What the fuck!?
This is a bunch of shit, come on!