Unbinding the ties that bind…and binding new ones…


Well, I uninstalled AIM messenger for good tonight. Fuck it. I’m tired of the damn thing crashing my shit on the computer, and slowing things down to an incredible slow speed…

Microsoft Windows (XP Home Edition) sucks more dick than a cheap hooker on the weekend anyway… so why make things worse by having shitty programs like AIM helping to fuck things up more!?!?!? Pfft, please…

That’s why I’m saying… USE SKYPE PRICKS! Go download the son of a bitch and install it… I’d rather everyone use Skype instead of the other shitty ass messengers out there …

Skype is the FIRST messenger that don’t jerk around, crash my shit, freeze up my screens, and it don’t take long to login and start chatting with! AIM is the WORST one to fuck my shit up.. hence for removing the piece of flopping shitty fucking crap… Got brains? Get Skype… no more bullshit hype…

I got my Skype username for anyone that wants it, just send email via the Contact page. It’s not a hard one to remember, unless you’re an uneducated prick that don’t got a G.E.D yet…

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