Monthly Archives: June 2011

26 June, 2011
my thoughts to save money, and keep our troops safe and spend less on prisons… here we go…

Send the murderers overseas to fight wars, they’ll get out and have some “Freedom”, and at same time do what they do best. Murder people. Done. If they get killed, no big deal, no housing expenses necessary at all, and no death-row political drama necessary. It’s done deal. The more murderers from prison that goes […]

13 June, 2011
Internet Relationships = Bullshit

Thanks to a buddy of mine, I’ve now considered the fact that internet relationships are really and truly are bullshit. Here’s why… They’re too pussy to actually meet up with you. They’ve got too much going on in their life to consider you a factor in their life. They bitch, moan, groan, and whatever else […]

6 June, 2011
“Add a Caption” post time again…

Now tell me this isn’t a face that a mother would love… Give me a big kiss people… Even though I look like a half-breed of the Joker from Batman movies and tv shows.. and a mentally retarded fuck-twat… Add a Caption!….