
House Arrest Sucks Massive Horse Peckers!


Jesus Fuck! House Arrest sucks massive horse peckers! Here below is why it sucks!

1) I can’t use the fucking internet because it might fuck with the “monitoring box” which is connected to the phone line.

2) I can’t go as far as 50′ feet from the “monitoring box”, which is “OK” I guess, but fuck it!

3) It just sucks!

Here below are some good things about it though.

1) I get three lousy fucking god damn days a week to go “Job Seeking”, from 10am to 3pm.

2) While I’m fucking “Job Seeking”, I get to use the internet!

3) I have SO MUCH more time to wack it and smack it, then I ever did before!

Well, that’s about it for now god damn it! I gotta get back to shitty “Job Seeking” LOL!


House Arrest starts today..


Just letting everyone know, my shitty house arrest starts today, which means I can’t use the net for three fucking months. The internet, answering machines, whatever will fuck up the “system” I need to use for the house arrest monitoring piece of shit.

Anyway, I only got so much time to backup shit and take care of shit… See ya all at the end of three months!




I have finally got up a shitty Support Mailing List! If you ever have any shitty support questions, such as AO8R theme problems and such, you can join there and submit emails to the list asking for help.

Or if you decided to allow a horse to fuck ya in the ass, and now he’s stuck in there, you can always just send an email too! Nah..just kidding.. We dun know how to handle that shit…’s a link to the Support List!

Just fill out the Email, and two Password fields, and click the subscribe button. Then just follow the instructions in the confirmation email. That’s about it! I’m done with this for now..later..


AO8R WordPress Theme release!


I’m finally going to release the AO8R theme now, screw it! I’ve spent how many god damn hours, days and possibly months on this bitch! I also had ALOT of help from others as well, and I will be making a “credits” page just for them then, here soon.

So as I’m pushing this little fucker away from the nest, I now give you the AO8R theme!

Demo Here!

Download Here!

Shitty support questions and what not, can be directed here to this thread on the WordPress forums.. Or, you can join the Support List I just made up and send your help requests via that way..just subscribe to the list and email away!

If you don’t like the color scheme of it, you can always lick my hairy nut sack! Please remember, that you can always modify the fucking thing however you want later.. Amen and God Bless god damn it!! Later..


About the Mypress or Xrisxros


I have been getting a few emails lately from people, asking if the MyPress/Xrisxros is still working with my WordPress 2.0.2.

And my answer is NO! I haven’t gotten that to work at ALL with my blog. BUT! As far as I know, it only stopped working when I moved my Blog from: to just

though. It was working just fine, before I moved the blog’s location on my server. I have even removed the plugin from the plugins directory. Hopefully when I get some more time, or the Plugin Author gets this fixed, or whatever, it will be back up and working on my blog again.

Another thing I heard was, the Plugin Author was even thinking about dropping it, and giving up on it. I’m not sure though, I hope not.. but who’s to say. Well, that’s all I have on this… I’m out.


[brand new] i know my posts have been scarce lately..


That’s probably because I’m spending too much time at Porn sites and the WordPress support forums, and not blogging out more stupid ass articles to please your needs..

Anyways, I have also been working at various themes and shit, trying to get the one I plan to use on here done, before or if I go to jail.. Hopefully I will get it done, but I doubt it..what else is knew god damn it?

My “life”, if that’s what you want to call it, sucks donkey dick and sure as hell the relationSHIT part of my “life” sucks them right along with it, my as well not have the Blog the way I want it to, right?

Oh well, fuck it all! I don’t give a shit anymore really. I’m too tired and lazy to even try to keep up with the shitty fast paced “life” and “relationSHIT” part of “life” anymore.. Anyways..I’m done with this shit for now..later..


[brand new] lowster11 blogg – part 2


Since the original Lowster11 Blogg thread at the Word Press forums was closed, BEFORE I could actually throw in my defensive replies to the bawl babies replies…

I figured I’d start up Part 2 of it myself!! Well, it’s going to start off with the last replies, which apparently were posted while I was in bed sleeping and wasn’t online to reply to it at all…

Which pisses me off too, because I hate when people post shit on someone and they don’t have the ability to defend themselves at all.. Well, it’s my turn fuckers..

First reply, then my reply afterwards…

mstegink – @moderator: please close this post, even better, remove it.

spencerp – Yeah, go ahead and delete it or close it, I don’t give a flying fuck! The thread itself wasn’t worth having on there really, and I was just surprised it was brought backup again, so I replied with some of my shit to it. What’s the harm right, fuck it!

Second reply, then my reply afterwards…

whooami – glad to see the other post was moderated. I had to wonder what any of that had to do with wordpress or this thread. Some people have serious issues that are left to be dealt with on their own blog (and yes Im directing that at you, spencer). Havent you exceeded your “im drunk and cant keep my mouth shut so lets go post some more crap on the wordpress support forums” limit?Talk about a troll.

spencerp – Really, I don’t give a fuck if it was moderated. And yes! I know it didn’t have anything to do with that shitty ass thread to begin with. Fuck it! I was just posting some shit to the original shit, fuck it!

And I know what you’re saying about issues that need dealt with on my own blog and shit, and that’s what I’m doing now! Dealing with this shit on my blog.. And I know you were directing towards me, who else would you have been talking about!?

As for the exceeding the drunk limit and posting shit, I wasn’t drunk when I posted that reply and even if I was, who really gives a god damn anyways!?…Jesus Fuck!! I love posting MORE CRAP on the Word Press forums, it kinda brings a little fun and excitement to the Crappy forums…

Not really sure what the “troll” shit has to do with it all, that’s all new to me. Never thought someone can be a “troll” for posting “personal bullshit” in a reply…but, I guess ya learn new shit everyday lmaO! Fuck it.. I could always just STROLL MY TROLL ASS OVER THERE AND THEY CAN LICKY LICK LICK MY HAIRY TROLLISH BALLSACKS! LOL!

Third reply, then my reply afterwards…

podz – Read Here


spencerp – Yeah!? Thanks for closing it, before I had the chance to reply in defense? [claps claps claps] – Gives standing ovation! Thanks!

I know what I posted there, and on my behalf, that thread was brought back up to the front again for nothing really..and that thread itself wasn’t shit to begin with! So what’s the harm if I posted some of my own bullshit in there? [/end of my reply]

Fucking god damn bawl babies and shit these days..I tell ya! [sniffle sniffle] Aww…here’s a fucking tissue!! It will be ok…it will be.. Whatever peoples, and just to be fair like you were to me, comments are going to be turned off on this thread lmaO!!

I’m done with this shit…I’m out..


[brand new] fucking god damn kids!!


Like I said in the image of my site being hacked. It’s fucking amazing what goes on while you’re not online for a day or so!

But, once again I was hacked by some little fucking moron kids with nothing better to do in their daily live’s, except to hack other people’s websites!



I’m fucking done with this shit, I’ll re-install the two other blogs in a while, I needed to update them anyways. The loverzlane will most likely stay down, because that’s where their entry was I think. Well, I’m pretty sure.. Stay tuned for updates..thanks..


[Brand New] It’s one thing to sleep, but Jesus Fuck!!


Just when I thought my dumbass girlfriend got enough sleep, I was wrong! I mean shit…18 to 20 hours or more a day isn’t long enough…

I mean shit, why can’t I just smack up her upside the fucking head to give her a coma, and then she can sleep for weeks on end. And even IF she wakes up, she could go back to bed AGAIN!

Because, after all, why should she be awake during our relationshit? It’s not like we have this wonderful fucking relationship where she might actually learn something from it all, even though I have been there and done it before.

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