commit suicide

Fucking Napster emails…


Subject Title: Napster: We miss you

Uh, I’m sorry to hurt your feelings, but I never missed you! And if your company and you committed suicide, I STILL wouldn’t miss you! Now kindly go fuck yourselves to hell… thanks..

To ensure receipt of your Napster email, please add
napster @ to your address book.

Uh, how about NOT. SORRY!

Unlimited Downloads
For Your PC & MP3 Player.


Aren’t I already subscribed to your shitty ass fucking email list? I mean, shit, I’m still getting these fucking crappy ass emails I never give a shit about anyway! Well, that’s gonna change cause I UN-subscribing now… Fucking pieces of fucking shit… FUCK OFF!


We’ve been trying to reach you and noticed you haven’t been reading
your Napster Newsletters. We are concerned you might be missing out
on some great features.

Fuckin cry a river you piece of shit. You ain’t concerned about me and what I’m missing out on or whatever… You’re just saying this shit to try and be all “buddy buddy” with me… Sorry, you’re a loser, you’d never be my buddy… You’re emails are shit and they flushed instantly like the shit they are… FLUSH! Oops, was that a toilet flushing? Yes, yes it was… Fuck your new features… and fuck you too. Go cry now, boo hoo!

Every edition of the Napster Newsletter is full of new releases, staff picks, playlists, special offers, and more. It’s our way of
bringing the best in music to you.

Please take a moment to give us your feedback on the newsletter.
Click here to take our talkback survey and let us know why you
haven’t been reading.

I ain’t clicking any of your shitty ass fucking links. As for the “feedback”, here’s mine.. this post is FULL of my feedback for you… Enjoy it! Cause I sure did! Now kindly go destroy yourselves and commit fucking suicide you fucking Napster sons of bitches… FUCKING DIE!!

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“You” wouldn’t have to worry about drag marks, or deep gouges. Open up wider Krystole, I mean toothless.. in cums a cock!

Krystole the wonder stealer!

While browsing online, it’s amazing the shit you can find on people.. If I was this chick waking up every fucking morning, and had to look at this face in the damn mirror, that’s if it didn’t break first though! I’d probably want to commit suicide..

No, scratch that! I’d probably want to do one of the following things first though! (Krystole’s thoughts of course!)

1.) Rather then spend waste all damn day and night fixing my pictures with Photoshop, I could just shave down a few Chicklets and super glue them where needed..

2.) If the Chicklets method didn’t work, then I would probably go through the public welfare system! Hey! Even though I don’t deserve to be on it to begin with, I wouldn’t care!

I would just use my Medical Assistance card at the nearest dentist for a major overhaul on the teeth! The total cost might come to around $2,000.00 dollars or so, but, I wouldn’t have to pay it! All you hard working folks would have too!

3.) If the above two things failed, which it probably would because I’m a dumbass like that like, I could always just ask one of the chicks in which I steal site layouts, pictures, and other shit from, to punch me in the fucking mouth a few times until the rest of the teeth fell out!

Hey! No teeth would better than what I have now right!?!

P.S. After taking a look at that picture again, I don’t even think a horse that bathed in cow shit three times would want a blow job from her..

I can just picture it now, while she’s down there trying to give the horse a knob job.. it back kicks her in the face knocking out the rest of those brown teeth.. and then runs off to the farmer holding a shotgun..

(Please note: I did NOT get this image myself, from any of this person’s site(s), I got it through other sources! If you don’t like it, my balls need washed, start licking bitches!)

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