kivanoconnor = The Rip-off seller!! Follow-up!!
GeneralThis is just a follow-up on the previous post on this motherfucking cock-sucking dope smoking 16 year old rip-off bastard from Leeds UK!!
Since I couldn’t post a reply on the prick’s “sell thread” in the forum about how he’s a ripping motherfucker!!
I private messaged “j3r0m3118” to do it for me!! And he was glad to do it too! Many props to him!
And thanks goes to him for talking with me on Live Messenger about filing the claim, which was also done! Here’s the screen shots below! Just click the links to see them in a new page.
PayPal Claim Screen Shot 1
PayPal Claim Screen Shot 2
PayPal Claim Screen Shot 3
I NOW have an account at! Thanks goes to OldDirtyBtard (aka ODB) for that! I hope and plan to have a page done up for this rip-off bastard soon!!
And I also plan to report him to soon as well!
Hey! I’m just busy, and things tend to slow me down! Thanks Kivan OCocksucker!! You’re the main reason why!! You stoned and drunken rip-off motherfucker!!!
I’m done with this shit for tonight…later!