
Every time I try to love…


It’s not but bullshit games anyway… They really don’t love you at all. It’s just a game, and the same game that pisses me the fuck off from beginning of time. And I’m fucking sick of it..

They all always put me/us down for certain things, yet they do the same things and shit. I’m fucking tired of it!! Go to hell, just when I get there in hell, please stay away from me…. I’d hate to get an infection, disease, or whatever… I’m not good for you now, but the losers you with can make the world so much better… Ironically, this coming from those that aren’t happy at all with their current shit relationships.. or aren’t they? Ah yes, this is where the games come in, that they don’t like played to them, yet play them against us guys from get go…

If you want to play games, go hook up the Xbox and play them with the kids. Leave me the fuck out of it.. And all the bitches, whores, mind gamer players, sluts, cheaters… you’ve lost out on a good thing.. the “mrs’s i don’t want all that stuff yet do it to the guys anyway!!”

Put the hip boots on, grab a shovel.. start digging… I don’t need to hear it anymore… After the hole is dug, hop in it, so i can bury the body… im done. good bye fuck cunt, sluts, head gamer players, whores… cheaters…

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The Puttet Master Moments..

Bitches Feelings General Rants

I just find it funny that Spencer always gets setup for trouble, yet the parents of their own fucking kids aren’t there to begin with to control them. I’m such a bad person, “Oh boo hoo, Spencer is talking to my daughter.. Booo hoo”. Little do you know that your little miss perfect princess isn’t all she’s cracked up to be…

Drinking your liquor stash while you ain’t home, fucking whoever, when ever, throwing parties with their friends and shit. Lying every chance they get. Lying sluts, and cheats, fucking nasty little bitches they are. Head-game players worse than I ever was. Yeah, you got me not to worry about you fucking dumb fuck parents. Control your own cattle herd of rampage slut bitches.

You’re all fucking head game playing sluts, cheats, liars, you’re idiots to think you’ll ever be someone “special” to anyone. You’re all head game playing lying cunts. Fuck you all.

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I’m tired of saying it, so here’s a message for everyone…

Bitches It Is Said Rants

Here’s an image that best describes what’s been going on the last few weeks, or month. Once you read the image, you’ll have a better understanding of what’s been going on lately…

Most Women

Now, don’t get me wrong though, guys are just as bad. But around here lately… it’s just been the females… Go ahead girls, take a bow, you trifling whore bag bitches…

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