


Just curious, but…what the hell is wrong with people giving their kids spankings, either in public or private!?!?!?

I don’t know WHY people are bitching and making a big stink about parents giving their own kids spankings. I mean shit, back when I was growing up…us kids always got spanked when we did something wrong. No one bitched, complained, or made a big stink about it, period.

My mom and step-dick-dad used a belt, a wooden paddle, or their bare hands, which ever was closest to them at the time. I firmly believe, that if a kid is getting out of hand, being bad, or just downright defiant, they deserve a spanking…

It’s what helps keep kids inline and headed down the right path in life. Without some form of punishment to help keep kids on the straight and narrow…they’ll end up in the news later down road when they grown up. Either for robbing stores, stealing in general, being a general troublemaker, criminal, or law breaker.

People of today are pussies when it comes to giving punishment to kids. “Don’t hit your kid, that’s child abuse!!” Ummm, no. It’s called, giving THEIR OWN kids what they deserve for being bad. To help keep THEIR OWN kids inline and headed down the right path in life…

Without some form of “Law and Order” for their kids, there’ll only be anarchy. With the kids running wild, doing what THEY want to do, and show no respect for anyone…

To the whiners and bawl babies bitching about kids getting spanked… I think YOU need a spanking and time out, NOW GO SIT IN THE CORNER, YOU BAWL BABY BITCH MOTHERFUCKERS!

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Damn Jew Burners…


I can’t wait until fucking winter is over, then I don’t gotta worry about turning on the damn Jew Burner in my bedroom… Shit!

I know, I know… what the fuck is a Jew Burner… I’ll tell ya, it’s a heater. Yep, that’s what I call the heater in my room. Since the old farm house heaters suck ass and ya can’t feel much heat at all, I had to put one of those stand up fan/ heaters and shit so it blows it out so you can feel it better and faster…

Turn it on HIGH and shortly afterwards you’ll feel like a Jew in an incinerator… hence the nickname “Jew Burner”… Don’t get all bent now, I ain’t full blown German and I ain’t prejudice (against Jews) but I sure as fuck would love to have Hitler for a dad… that’d be awesome! I want his hair style for sure… just not the mustache.

Welp, time to turn off the Jew Burner.. damn I’m cooking up while writing this post.. shit.

P.S. And yes, I know the Jew Burner is really an “oven”, but when my heater on high, it feels like being in an oven.. hence the nickname “Jew Burner” for sarcastic purposes only of course.. Relax!

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