
Man or Woman?


Today is the official start date of a new feature for I’m proudly introducing, “Man or Woman?”…Here’s where I’ll randomly find either men or women photos, and post them to debate what gender they really are. Because well, some times it’s just so damn confusing. Let’s begin!

Man or Woman? What am I?

Hi! I’m a nice, a little shy, and loves to have a great time. I enjoy bowling a lot. I have bowled since I was 10. I also enjoy anything to deal with the outdoors. I like to stay home once in awhile. I like all kinds of music but mostly rock and country. I don’t have a favorite group. I enjoy raised trucks and jeeps. I want one someday. I would like to go muddin someday. I love to go to the beach. My favorite beach is Ocean City, MD. In my picture I have short hair, I plan to grow it out to long hair. I will explain later why I have short hair. I love dogs! I have a half black lab and half german shepard. He is big and all black. He is lovable. I spoil him alot. My favorite color is green. Well I hope to hear from you soon! LATER!

I’m not sure about you, but I think I’d be running the opposite way had I seen this coming towards me. S-he looks like a College Football player with some chick glasses and shit. Either that, or someone that you can find under any horse on the farm while butt-naked, and getting railed by it… I think the parents of this “chick” probably committed suicide later in life after they have known and seen what they’ve created. I would stay clear of this one, you might get tackled…

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Gas prices = horse shit!


It’s pretty fucked up that the cost of a gallon of gas, is about the same price as a pack of Marlboro cigarettes.

Hell, even minimum wage don’t cover near the cost of a gallon of gas. I think all those top dog assholes controlling the gas prices need shot. It’s a sad shame, that even if you worked 8 hours a day at minimum wage, half your days worth of pay is gone already in the gas tank…

I mean, “wear and tear” on the vehicle has to be accounted for as well as the gas to get around. To be fair, they should reduce the prices of vehicles in general, to leave some “leeway” so all us not so wealthy pricks can afford to get around…

Sure, we could all stop using cars and just buy a horse and buggy. But think of all the costs that goes into those too! I’d rather change the oil in a car every 3,000 miles, than clean up horse shit on a daily fucking basis. Not to mention having to feed the damn thing every day / night and all that extra other horse shit ya gotta do…

And let’s not forget, how much longer it will take to get around where you need to go if you’re in a horse and buggy… I guess, either way you’re screwed out of money, and either way… you end up dealing with more horse shit than ya really need to start with… Fucking horse shit…

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Dear Mother Satan, please shut the fuck up and adjust that crooked tampon…

Bitches Rants

Ah yes, another day at shit work and nothing like a pissy whiny “Mother Satan” old bossy bitch lady to make things even more enjoyable! NOT!

Anyway, here’s what happened today… I got into work today and she asked me if I painted over the weekend. I replied “yes, why?” She said, “where did you get the paint from?” I thought, “I waited for it to drip from your pussy, the best paint is old lady discharge.”

Anyway, I said, “the paint closet.” She said, “that paint was lotted for a project. You should have asked before using it.” I said, “well Don (The main painter guy there) told me to get more if I needed it!” She replied, “okay, but yeah, you need to ask first because paint is expensive.” Of course I was thinking, “No shit, Sherlock!”

To get the bitch out of my face quickly, I left it go. Later I find out, the project she was talking about was the one I STARTED MYSELF. The part of the building that I specifically asked her if I could paint myself, and she said yes too!

And turns out, the area I started myself was already basically painted with the same paint from a previous batch of paint, that I was told to go ahead and use anyway! So really, I didn’t use that much of the NEW batch of paint to finish the supposed “lotted/special” project she was getting pissy about to begin with! That Don guy was going to do it anyway! Really, I helped save their paint in the end!

How about this bitch, adjust that crooked Depends version of a tampon you got crammed up your pussy sideways collecting that old hag drainage and discharge and keep the lips zipped… I don’t need to hear your old ramblings of bullshit…

Keep stepping, keep moving, keep the mouth closed and pretend you’re doing your job in your office away from me, because you suck horse Willies and I’m Mr. Awesome at work…

Hey, I know you’re jealous of me, but please, please don’t take it out on me because you know everyone hates you and thinks you’re a fucking bitch with a steal and jagged pointy dildo shoved up your ass (so it ain’t gonna melt) while the crooked tampon is up the old hag twat sideways…

Face the facts bitch, you really ain’t my boss. Shut.The.Fuck.Up. I don’t want to hear your bitch mouth. Here’s some tissues…stop crying and clean up that discharge cunt!

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