Tag Archives: local
- 13 June, 2011
- Internet Relationships = Bullshit– also tagged bitch, bullshit, court, dreams, excuses, fantasies, fuck, fuck you, groan, internet, meet, moan, pussy, relationships, you
Thanks to a buddy of mine, I’ve now considered the fact that internet relationships are really and truly are bullshit. Here’s why… They’re too pussy to actually meet up with you. They’ve got too much going on in their life to consider you a factor in their life. They bitch, moan, groan, and whatever else […]
- 21 July, 2008
- Apparently everyone missed the memo that was hung up on my middle finger…– also tagged bros before hos, bubble, buddies, buddy, bullshit, cess pool, drama, friends, fuck, fuckers, games, gutter, hangout, kissing, memo, panties, people, shit
Like I said in a post way back in Sept 2004. “Friends” are shit… Now, before people start getting their panties into a bunch, this is referring to LOCAL OFFLINE “friends”, not online “friends”. Anyway, you know who are true friends, when they at least act like it, or ARE really being friends to you. Evidently, a […]