
Someone needs to make a…..


SOOPED UP METAL DETECTOR! This would be so fucking awesome! I wouldn’t mind having one myself! To just get a case a beer and have a sooped up metal detector. Stroll through the park, peoples yards or whatever.

My idea is….to have a metal detector with a super powerful magnet built right in to it! This way when you go across the park or whatever and it starts beeping, no matter how far down the coin, ring or whatever is….you could just kick on the super powerful magnet and it comes up to the metal detector! NO DIGGING AND BENDING OVER REQUIRED!

This would also be awesome for the cops to use when searching for dead bodies that are buried or whatever. Anything metal like on the body, such as the buttons on their jeans or clothing that has metal on it, would be brought right up to them! They wouldn’t have to dig! Just crank on the super magnet and the body comes up to them!

DAMN! I WANT ONE! Could you imagine how much shit you could find with it!? Jesus! And the cool part about the magnet would be…..silence! You could be in someone’s yard and find their rings, expensive shit….and they wouldn’t even know you found anything! Turn the beeper down to lowest setting and go! Plus with the super powerful magnet there, you wouldn’t make a scene because you don’t have to dig! They could even walk up to you and ask if you found something, and you could just say NOPE! NOT A DAMN THING! And walk away with a $1,200.00 ring while it’s still attached to the bottom of the detector. How would they know!?  

I HOPE SOMEONE MAKES THIS UP SOON! I WANT ONE! I’m done for now….I might update this post later….


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I must be a….BITCH MAGNET!


I don’t know what the hell is going on! But I must be a bitch magnet! It seems like I’m being “punished” or something. If I am, Please tell me why and for what so I won’t do the shit again!! The past few relationships it’s like, I happened to get with Bipolar Bitches from the depths of Hell!

With the X-Wife (Note X Wife) hahaha….wonder why!! Anyway… the beginning while just dating, everything seemed fine and so forth. No BITCHING no nothing. But once we tied the knot, it all went down the toilet with the rest of the shit! I don’t know why or how to this day was that possible for her to not be a bitch the whole time we were dating and then all the sudden turn DEVIL BITCH on me when getting married. I didn’t do anything wrong to her as far as I know.

My days went something like this: wake up in the morning to Bitching, throughout the day it was Bitching and going to bed was Bitching! And all about stupid bullshit! Half the shit didn’t even make any sense or nothing, nothing to be all mad about. It’s like wtf Bitch!? What is the fucking problem!!?? Did you forget to take your Bipolar medications again or something!? hahaha..naa…she wasn’t on any….but she Should Have Been!

Here is some of the shit I had to put up with 24 fuckin 7!!!

I just wish I could find some attractive young lady and a non-bitchy one all in one! I don’t know anymore….my life sucks hairy ball sacks along with the wonderful “Love Life”. If any young attractive females run across this post…please! please! maybe drop me a line or something! I have a pic of me in the Albums section. I know I might sound like a prick with these topics and so forth..but that is only because My Life Sucks Dick! Nothing in it is good really…well there is one thing…being alive! For what!? Just to live in it! Woot!! Woot!! Wow!! That is the greatest thing ever! I can’t beat that! Fuck! I need vodka! That usually helps in these “Wonder-Fucking-Ful” situations!!

That’s all for this topic….prolly update the fucker then later. Keep checking back for more Wonder-Fucking-Ful posts! That’s All! That’s It! No More Shit!


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