Tag Archives: medications
- 21 December, 2007
- Miss Jackie gets a make over!– also tagged after, attract, before, folks, Heidi, jackie, miss jackie, picture
Miss Jackie evidently thought she should get a make over in order to attract me. I’m not sure where she got that crazy idea from, but I’m guessing she missed her medications again… Anyway, since she wasn’t nice enough to send me her BEFORE and AFTER pictures herself, I had to dig them up myself… Here […]
- 1 June, 2004
- You know you are a Bipolar Bitch if….– also tagged bipolar, bitch, bitches, bitchy attitude, hahaha, hangout, medication, meds, nerve, pharmacies, Princess, reality check, something stupid
You know you are a bipolar if…. 1) If 99% of the guys that hangout with you spend all their time kissing your ass rather thentelling you how they really feel about you because they don’t wanna end up getting therapy! 2) 1% of the men are telling you off and how they really feel […]
- 29 April, 2004
- EVIL DWARF!…THE BITCH FROM HELL!!– also tagged ass, benefits, bipolar, bitch, bitches, cook, employee, evil dwarf, grand canyon, hell, life, luck, shitty, snitch, supervisor, Wendy, work
This one is a piece of work let me tell ya! Besides all the other BIPOLAR BITCHES I have to deal with…this one takes the cake! She must be the mother of all BI POLAR BITCHES! Or maybe even the devil’s mother or older sister…I dunno. Either way it’s hard to really tell! But…anyways..this IS […]
- 25 April, 2004
- I must be a….BITCH MAGNET!– also tagged attractive, ball sacks, bipolar, bipolars, bitch, bitching, dating, devil, dicks, ex-wife, females, fucker, hell, lady, love life, magnet, married, relationships, sucks, vodka, young
I don’t know what the hell is going on! But I must be a bitch magnet! It seems like I’m being “punished” or something. If I am, Please tell me why and for what so I won’t do the shit again!! The past few relationships it’s like, I happened to get with Bipolar Bitches from […]