
younger mothers = balls of bullshit…

Feelings It Is Said

I’m in no means able to really say if a person is willing to be a good mother or not, and don’t get me wrong though, there’s been some good mothers at younger ages, raising their kids well for sure…

However! There’s some mothers, that are the bottomless pit of shit, fucking us men over left and right.. And all their immature idiot friends, are cheering them on!! I’m surprised their shit friends even have relationships though, considering what they’re all cheering on, with girls that claim to want to marry a man, have his baby, says the baby is his, and gets engaged to the guy.

But yet cheats on him, doesn’t take him to appointments for the baby/ regarding the baby to start with.. Instead, takes the sister and idiot fat fuck friends to the appointments… and allows the fat fuck face friend to say on Facebook… “hahaha.. the baby gonna get my name!! i say so! i’m the god mother of it!! haha.. I’m so wonderful and amazing!” …

Whilst the baby daddy is stuck at home, waiting on a ride for the appointment… Well, the supposed baby daddy anyway (me)… and the ride never showed up anyhow!! It’s planned, set in stone, she said same shit.. Did I get to go? Nope. Did I get a call or text of the result / outcome? Nope. For days and days, I waited to hear from her… And she bitched cause I was “text bombing the phone”… Wow… well hello!?!!?!?! hello!?!?!?

But I digress… It’s just amazing I’m the bad guy… When together, she loved me, nothing but me, the kid was gonna be ours, we planned to get pregnant, get engagement rings, get married and etc. Then BOOM.. she cheated on me, our relationship goes to shit in hand basket, she’s liar and whore bag bitch…. She called me a cousin, when with a dude, so the dude brings her to see me the cousin… Then tells me, this other dude a cousin too… So I don’t gotta worry about him…

Yet now, she with him… and he’s the baby daddy…. That’s mature and wonderful. Say I didn’t have anything to do with her since before birth, but you were the one keeping me from it, to start with.. Then, cheat on me, claiming another man is the father and not me…? Her, and her shit friends.. are worthless pieces of shit..

They obviously don’t know how to have serious relationships. She was after me, loved me, then fucked me over with a skank fuck. I guess they just two peas in a pod though, they both skanks, dirty, and don’t know what a washcloth is… They’re perfect together.. But it sill doesn’t give them the right to say I ain’t the baby’s daddy…

How mature is it, to allow idiot friends to come between a “family”.. breaking them up… just because the baby daddy don’t have job right now. Yet, the fiancee was going to hook us both up with work, never did. Put good words in to do it.. never did. But, spencer the bad guy though..

I was only one fighting to have a relationship, she was only one fighting to lose it and fuck it up…. Fuck. But it is what it is.. she’s a cheating, liar whore bag slut bag.. and all her shit friends that step in and fuck it up.. are idiots too. they all don’t have concept of relationships to begin with… im surprised their “lovers” remain with them…

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Coming Soon – A new blog theme …


UPDATE! – I’ve been busting my balls all fucking day to get this theme ready! I only got, like, TWO more things to do yet, and she should be ready for uploading!!

I tried my best to get this theme looking about the same, in Microshit IE6, Firefox 2.0.X, and Opera. As far as I know, it’s looking pretty damn close in all three browsers. I’m not sure about the Safari browser, because, I’m just not that lucky!

It WILL be uploaded tonight sometime, it’s now 8:33pm for me, Eastern Standard time… I should have the bitch uploaded very soon. Again, I’m not good with making images, so.. if you don’t like some of them, just licky lick my hairy nut sacks! If you really want too, make some for me!

Also, you might want to wear sun glasses and shit! Before viewing the site…it’s a big color change from the shitty Headspace theme we have now.. so.. just wanted to warn you all!! Anyway, I’m done preaching, time to get back to theming.. tata!!

I’m sure there is going to be little issues here and there once I upload it, but, I’ll try and take care of them as soon as possible!

And I mean, really soon! I’m sending this out a few hours or so early, just to give everyone the head ups!

As most of you know, I’ve posted about this numerous of times before, and never actually did anything! There’s a simple explanation for that, and that’s because I’m a lazy son of a bitch!

Nah, I can’t lie… I just spend 98% of the time with my hand between the legs, whacking it and smacking it.. Anyway, I’ll be uploading and activating an already released theme, which I quickly tweaked for on here…

To let you all know, I’m not Mr Awesome Header Graphic/Logo Designer Man! I never was any good with making images, especially when I have a shitty ass Photo Imaging software, such as: THE LIMP DICK GIMP!!

Also, there might be some little issues here and there, which I’ll have to take care of then. I’m trying my damn best to get this shit straightened now though. Even though I haven’t slept since yesterday some time … but, that’s normal!

Another thing is, this is going to be a temporary theme, I wasn’t planning on keeping this one, unless of course you folks want it for a good length of time…? I’m just sick of the damn Headspace theme, I’ve been staring at the piece of shit for almost two years now, so.. time to scrap that fucker, and put up another!

Aight, I’m done with this. That’s all, that’s it, no more shit! Tata!

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