Tag Archives: luck
- 30 April, 2004
- I Love It When…– also tagged baptized, Christian, kids, money, movies, pay you back, relationship, tracking device, vehicle
I Love It When… 1) Someone asks to borrow like $5.00 or $10.00 and they say they will pay you back right away…but it takes 5 or 10 years by the time you actually get it back. 2) Someone calls every 5 minutes through out a day to see if that specific person is home […]
- 29 April, 2004
- EVIL DWARF!…THE BITCH FROM HELL!!– also tagged ass, benefits, bipolar, bitch, bitches, cook, employee, evil dwarf, grand canyon, hell, life, medications, shitty, snitch, supervisor, Wendy, work
This one is a piece of work let me tell ya! Besides all the other BIPOLAR BITCHES I have to deal with…this one takes the cake! She must be the mother of all BI POLAR BITCHES! Or maybe even the devil’s mother or older sister…I dunno. Either way it’s hard to really tell! But…anyways..this IS […]