Tag Archives: moon
- 6 December, 2022
- Aww…A Christmas card from a neighbor…how sweet!– also tagged art, ashlee, assburn, badder, biter, boris, bubba, buttfungus, Card, Christmas, fart, farted, fat, hack, hairy, hangover, Holidays, ichaboo, krackenfart, lester, manny, mary, molester, neighbor, neverwash, pat, plaque, rat, river, sally, skeet, sleet
It’s that time of year again, time for sending out Christmas Cards! Isn’t this Christmas card sweet? It’s from a neighbor… It makes ya feel all warm and special, almost Christmagasmic… Twisted
- 21 March, 2008
- Ladies Be Warned!– also tagged ass, aunt, bash, bashmyex.com, bucktooth, convicted, crater, dick, felony, forgery, hick, horses, James, lied, mother, sister, sucking, swindle
This is some ladies Bash on Bashmyex.com, that I had commented on. “James has previously been convicted of several felony counts of forgery and swindle (you can see for yourself at www.mncriminals.com). He is also currently being charged with more forgery charges. He lied to me and used me and many other people as well. I think it […]