
Them little fucking shit-heads…


Every god damn time I get online, the little shit-heads are trying to bust down the back door cause they locked themselves the fuck in and they want out…

For all the fucking retarded motherfuckers out there, that basically means.. I GOTTA TAKE A FUCKING SHIT! It never fucking fails! All fucking god damn day I don’t gotta shit…but once I sit down at the computer to get online, I gotta take a huge healthy dump…

I’m starting to wonder if it’s the “Curse of the Wooden Chair” or something though too. Because when Jenn sat down on it for a little while, she had the feeling of having to take a shit also… Either way, it’s fucking bullshit.. it just never fucking fails!

I think I either gonna make a porta-pot built right into the chair, or, get another chair… which reminds me… Princess Babes… where’s that chair ya said about… LOL!

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Goodnight night life…


Ah well. I need more hours at shit work anyway. Yeah, I got my hours changed at work. I’m no longer working 6:30pm to 9 – 10pm, I’m going to be working 10am to 4pm.

That means, getting to bed earlier at night and waking up earlier in the morning. Damn, the thought of that…because I HATE getting up earlier in the morning. I HATE mornings…ah well, the things you gotta do to get more hours to make the Ching to buy more Bling…

Gotta spoil the Princess right? Yep! Aight, I’m off for now. Gotta call my Jenn and get to work! Tata!

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You know you are a Bipolar Bitch if….

Twisted Jokes

You know you are a bipolar if….

1) If 99% of the guys that hangout with you spend all their time kissing your ass rather then
telling you how they really feel about you because they don’t wanna end up getting therapy!

2) 1% of the men are telling you off and how they really feel about you, but you are just too stupid and bitchy to realize your only going to end up with SHIT, because of your BITCHY attitude all the time and you can’t accept it!

3) When no more then 5 seconds into a conversation you start bitching and snapping on someone because of whatever they may have said…even if it’s something nice.

4) You have the nerve to talk about peoples and get them into trouble…but if it happens to you, it’s a sin! And then they have endless HELL and BITCHING to deal with.

5) The first thing that comes outta your mouth in the morning is BITCHING, about something stupid or don’t matter.

6) You are never satistified with anything, no matter what one does to make you happy or please you, YOUR STILL A DAMN BIPOLAR BITCH!

7) Your own therapist needs tons of medications and therapy, and then even his therapist needs tons of meds and therapy!

8) Even if you took 2 times the original amount of medications prescribed by your doctor and everyone still see’s no improvement!

9) The pharmacys do not think they have enough medication to supply the demand for your Bipolarness!

10) While having your period your nice as can be, but when the period is over, you are all

11) Someone else’s stupididity pisses you off, but when your being stupid it’s ok.

12) You expect others to take ALL YOUR SHIT and treat you like a fucking PRINCESS! NOT!! DON’T FUCKING THINK SO BITCHES!

13) You treat everyone like shit and use them, and then expect money, material things in-return! AH! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOUR GETTING SHIT FROM ANYONE HAHAHA! REALITY CHECK BITCHES!

14) You can’t stand the fact of being wrong about anything and any issues. You always have to be right! Or you always have to have the last word in any fucking argument! EVEN IF YOUR NOT ALWAYS RIGHT AND YOU JUST WANNA LOOK LIKE MRS. GOODIE GOODIE, BUT REALLY YOUR JUST THE BIGGEST PILE OF SHIT!

15) You treat all the people that are really nice to you like SHIT, but kiss the ass of those that are really being assholes to you!


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