
I noticed some more bullshit site issues..


I know I was showing off my new theme almost every where, including your girlfriend while she sat on my lap in her bedroom, but, I’ll have to do some more theme tweaking…

For shits and giggles, I tried validating the site, and noticed it spit out several Validation Errors sigh. What else is new.. I’ll try and take of this shit later on today then… That’s all, that’s it, no more shit! I’m off to bed now, later folks!

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The new theme has been uploaded..


And has also been applied! Please note and remember!! There is still some little quirks, and odds and end things that need done yet!!

Also, please check out the new SITE NEWS section!! You can find the button for that, underneath the main top navigational menu… Just click on the that, and it will drop down an information box, containing any NEW site news posts, which will be made by me only!!

Such posts will be important informations regarding the site, any possible changes, and what not. I’m doing it this way, to help keep from cluttering the main blog’s posting section, with shitty Site issue related posts! I’m posting this one though, to the “Latest News” section, and the new “Site News” section… Just so folks know, what is going on, and where the newest SITE NEWS feature is at!

Before I forget, there is a little kink when clicking on the Search button in top navigation menu! It’s nothing big really, it just gives a little tiny scroll bar action in the bottom of the FireFox browser, once clicked on… It doesn’t last though, just a mere couple seconds, but, it’s still annoying!

I still have TONS of shit double check up on, and fix!! If you happen to find anything, please let me know! Anyway, I hope you like this new theme, better then the old shitty one!! I would have had it up sooner, except my one princess hit me up on Live Messenger, because she needed me to get her off! She just loves web-caming with me, and for me to cybersex to her…

Hey! I can’t help it, I’m just awesome like that! Anyway, that’s why the theme wasn’t uploaded sooner! Aight folks, I’m going on 3 days without sleep, because I was working on this damn theme, and other various things.. I’m out! Later!

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Coming Soon – A new blog theme …


UPDATE! – I’ve been busting my balls all fucking day to get this theme ready! I only got, like, TWO more things to do yet, and she should be ready for uploading!!

I tried my best to get this theme looking about the same, in Microshit IE6, Firefox 2.0.X, and Opera. As far as I know, it’s looking pretty damn close in all three browsers. I’m not sure about the Safari browser, because, I’m just not that lucky!

It WILL be uploaded tonight sometime, it’s now 8:33pm for me, Eastern Standard time… I should have the bitch uploaded very soon. Again, I’m not good with making images, so.. if you don’t like some of them, just licky lick my hairy nut sacks! If you really want too, make some for me!

Also, you might want to wear sun glasses and shit! Before viewing the site…it’s a big color change from the shitty Headspace theme we have now.. so.. just wanted to warn you all!! Anyway, I’m done preaching, time to get back to theming.. tata!!

I’m sure there is going to be little issues here and there once I upload it, but, I’ll try and take care of them as soon as possible!

And I mean, really soon! I’m sending this out a few hours or so early, just to give everyone the head ups!

As most of you know, I’ve posted about this numerous of times before, and never actually did anything! There’s a simple explanation for that, and that’s because I’m a lazy son of a bitch!

Nah, I can’t lie… I just spend 98% of the time with my hand between the legs, whacking it and smacking it.. Anyway, I’ll be uploading and activating an already released theme, which I quickly tweaked for on here…

To let you all know, I’m not Mr Awesome Header Graphic/Logo Designer Man! I never was any good with making images, especially when I have a shitty ass Photo Imaging software, such as: THE LIMP DICK GIMP!!

Also, there might be some little issues here and there, which I’ll have to take care of then. I’m trying my damn best to get this shit straightened now though. Even though I haven’t slept since yesterday some time … but, that’s normal!

Another thing is, this is going to be a temporary theme, I wasn’t planning on keeping this one, unless of course you folks want it for a good length of time…? I’m just sick of the damn Headspace theme, I’ve been staring at the piece of shit for almost two years now, so.. time to scrap that fucker, and put up another!

Aight, I’m done with this. That’s all, that’s it, no more shit! Tata!

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