
my thoughts to save money, and keep our troops safe and spend less on prisons… here we go…

General It Is Said Rants

Send the murderers overseas to fight wars, they’ll get out and have some “Freedom”, and at same time do what they do best. Murder people. Done. If they get killed, no big deal, no housing expenses necessary at all, and no death-row political drama necessary. It’s done deal.

The more murderers from prison that goes over to fight our wars, the less we need to spend on our troops to house, feed, and lose casualties of… If we send over guys locked up for life terms in prison…for what they do best anyway.. it will save on our tax dollars. No need to house and feed prisoners anymore. On top of that, we’ll save money on our own good troops. Save them for when deemed necessary to use them. Prisoners sitting in prison for 25 to life… They’re just there wasting life away, time, money, housing and etc…

Why be stupid and do that? When they could easily be shipped overseas with knives, guns, and whatever else… let them do what they do best… and at same time.. enjoy their freedoms… Fuck.. If I had control over the government, that’s what I would do… Either that, or turn all the murderers jail cells into gas chambers.. gas em all.. and let the non-violent offenders go free…

Either way, it will save money some where along the lines… And if they pass the Bill to legalize marijuana, then all those that are in for smoking weed, will be set free anyway.. Or should be anyway… Think about it…

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Taking a shit, is like giving birth…

General Rants

Here is why…

Both male and female are spending their precious time grunting, moaning, groaning, biting on a piece of stick, pushing out one or two things through a small hole. In the end, they either have one or two little or big shits to deal with. One or two, they’ll always need some tissue.

Either way, they all have to be taken care of… Only difference is, the real shits get flushed, and the others just never seem to get enough.

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