Tag Archives: bitch
- 13 June, 2011
- Internet Relationships = Bullshit– also tagged bullshit, court, dreams, excuses, fantasies, fuck, fuck you, groan, internet, local, meet, moan, pussy, relationships, you
Thanks to a buddy of mine, I’ve now considered the fact that internet relationships are really and truly are bullshit. Here’s why… They’re too pussy to actually meet up with you. They’ve got too much going on in their life to consider you a factor in their life. They bitch, moan, groan, and whatever else […]
- 5 May, 2010
- Jordanraine the ass pain…– also tagged boyfriend, coffin, cunt, cunts, dick, followers, friends, hack, hypocrite, jenn, Jordanraine, lastfm, liar, mirror, online, shit, slanderous, twitter
I actually wanted to forgive this bitch and not say a word about her. But I can’t help it. It just has to be said… She’s a loser, low life bitch, that’s apparently not happy with her with boyfriend, she’s out looking for dick. It’s one thing to claim you’re fine and dandy with who […]
- 5 May, 2010
- Photo album for you from Therese on Windows Live….– also tagged 40 year old, album, bullshit, cute, hypocrites, mail, messages, MSN, nudes, photo, pictures, sex, sexy, spam, spammers, teaser, Theresa, Therese, Windows Live
Don’t you just hate all these fucking teaser spam mail messages? I do! Sometimes they actually name someone I know personally! At first, I see the title and think… “Oh Boy! More pictures of this chick that I think is cute and sexy! Whoo Hoo!” To this I say; MSN needs to control their fucking […]
- 13 March, 2010
- Michelle Frye, fuck her in the pussy and you might die…– also tagged and, bash, bashmyex.com, big, Christ, Christmas, dick, dive, ex, feel, garbage bag, Jesus, lawn, Lawn and Leaf, leaf, Michelle, mommy, my, Parkersburg, pic, picture, quote, wallet, whore, WV
If you dove in without scuba gear that is…Jesus Mc Fucking Christmas Christ, she a big bitch! You’d need to wear a “Lawn and Leaf” garbage bag as condom to dive in it, and even then, she wouldn’t notice anything though… Although, that depends on the total weight and etc of course. We’d hate to sink […]
- 27 February, 2010
- The perfect “Girlfriend”, every man knows it’s true too!– also tagged bastard, box, built, can't speak, chick, complain, complaints, eye, fuck, fucking, girlfriend, hell, horny, invested, load, low price, man, nagging, perfect, perfection, pleasure palace, price, Rubbermaid, shot, teasing, tits, titties, true, whore-bag, whores
How can a man deny that a love doll like her above, couldn’t be the perfect “Girlfriend” for them? I mean seriously, here below is WHY they can’t deny she’d be the perfect girlfriend… 1.) She ain’t going to be a nagging bitch, she’ll keep her fucking mouth shut and take it like the little […]
- 15 July, 2008
- Spankings…– also tagged baby, bare-hand, belt, child abuse, criminal, dad, dick, kids, Law and Order, life, mom, motherfuckers, paddle, people, private, public, punishment, pussies, robbing, spanked, spankings, stealing, step, stores
Just curious, but…what the hell is wrong with people giving their kids spankings, either in public or private!?!?!? I don’t know WHY people are bitching and making a big stink about parents giving their own kids spankings. I mean shit, back when I was growing up…us kids always got spanked when we did something wrong. […]
- 28 May, 2008
- Christine, Christine, where do we begin…– also tagged AIM, bitches, christine, drama, games, harassment, James, ramble, screen shots, shit, spencer, tgo, twisted
Ya want James to take me for all I worth!? Put that bug up his ass, and try and get me for Copyright Infringement? How about this, bitch… how about taking a few steps back…WHO was the ONE that tried getting me pissed off that James did comics on me, Lindsey, and TGO? Who sent […]
- 28 May, 2008
- Christine, is the cesspool of shit…– also tagged christine, drama, fuck, fucked, harasser, James, shit, slut, threats
Keep getting me… Keep threatening me.. Keep it on…. Go ahead. Listen bitch, for all that shit you kept dissing on the “others”.. ya know… all that bitching you gave me hell for… for even contacting them, but yet YOU DID IT yourself.. It’s wonderful to know, there’s that “awesome” girl there for ya in […]
- 29 March, 2008
- Unbinding the ties that bind…and binding new ones…– also tagged AIM, ass, download, hooker, messengers, Microsoft, Skype, son of a bitch, Windows, XP Home Edition
Well, I uninstalled AIM messenger for good tonight. Fuck it. I’m tired of the damn thing crashing my shit on the computer, and slowing things down to an incredible slow speed… Microsoft Windows (XP Home Edition) sucks more dick than a cheap hooker on the weekend anyway… so why make things worse by having shitty […]
- 13 March, 2008
- Myspace.com = Myshit.com…– also tagged bitches, canceled, cunt, deleted, dick, emails, Eve, flushed, Harry, Karen, myshit.com, myspace.com, natalie, notifications, pictures, profiles, sex, slut, Tom
Yeah, good old fucking Myspace.com sent me the LAST fucking notification of a user wanting for me to add them… I just couldn’t take anymore fucking emails, not to mention the bitch ass slutty whores that roam on there sending invite notifications to every Tom, Dick, and Harry… Take Karen the Cunt for instance… WHO […]