Tag Archives: coded
- 21 June, 2007
- Uhh, help me out here…– also tagged balance, bank account, car parts, cheap skates, design, designs, high, holy shit, negative, paycheck, portfolio, price, PSD, ripped off, sells, shit, shit sells, template, traded
No offense on this person’s design, because it’s actually kind of nice. But how in the hell could something like this design be asked for such a price? But mine was too high!? It was traded for a $40.00 Partially coded portfolio template and design! I have this currently setting at $20.00!! And it’s NOT FUCKING GOING!?! […]
- 7 May, 2007
- kivanoconnor / PayPal Claim Follow-up!!– also tagged address, asshole, auction, bastard, bigvan05, bigvan05@hotmail.co.uk, binge, borked, business, changes, claim, days, design, Developerchat.net, domain, dope, Draper, drinking, email, encyclopediadramatica.com, excuses, five, forums, Google, guy, hack job, Hart, Investigations, job, Kivan, kivan.destxhost.com, kivanoconnor, Krystal, krystole, marketplace, messenger, motherfucker, MSN, MSN Messenger, Oconnor, party, PayPal, paypal claim, PayPal.com, portfolio, prick, rip-off, ripoff, ripoffreport.com, rules, sazzadhossain.info, shit, sitepoint.com, smoking, talkfreelance.com, Tammy, Tammy Hart, Tammy Hart Designs, tammyhartdesigns.com, templates, theme, themes, three, trust, users, weed, WordPress, WP theme
Just got an email from PayPal today regarding that PayPal claim I had filed against Kivanoconman, I mean Kivanoconnor! Oh God I’m fucking awesome! I love waking up in the morning and seeing this email in the email box whoo hoo!! Dear (Name Removed Privacy Reasons), We have concluded our investigation into your case and have decided […]
- 1 May, 2007
- This theme will be coming down soon!– also tagged design, theme, WordPress
Just to let everyone know, this theme will be coming down soon! I’ll have to throw up another theme soon! There’s a Design being coded into a WordPress theme for me and it should hopefully be done today sometime! Anyway, just wanted to give everyone the heads-up!