Tag Archives: messenger
- 26 May, 2008
- I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again!– also tagged google talk, instant messenger, Live Messenger, offline messages, piece, shit, Yahoo, Yahoo Messenger
I’ve said this once before … YAHOO MESSENGER IS A FUCKING PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If it’s NOT the logging in issues, it’s the fucking kicking you off every god damn fucking second after you signed in to it!!!!!!!! Not to mention, the fact that you can’t ever get half the messages that are sent to you by […]
- 13 December, 2007
- Some of the shit I say in Messenger Offlines…I tell ya…– also tagged booted, computer, damn, gee willikers, god, Microshit, online, rock, say shit, shit, spencer, updates
Even I crack myself up sometimes, after going back through offlines I leave people on Messengers… Well, take this one for example… Spencer: u there Spencer: I’m downloading shitty microshit updates and shit and if i just happen to leave, it’s because my computer needs rebooted.. Spencer: actually needs BOOTED out the fucking window but that’s another story.. […]
- 25 June, 2007
- It appears that I have a pissed off, jealous piece of Asian shit “fan”….– also tagged Asian, bitch, Brandy, breasts, cam, Daniel, douche bag, dumb ass, Dyke, e-dating, feet, flashed, foot fetish, grammar, jealous, Live Messenger, loser, love, loved, mentally fucked up, Mike, pecker johnson, pervert, piece, pissed off, shit, sucks, therapy, truth, year
That’s trying to sound like me, and be just like me, but can’t be me, because they an Asian Piece of shit… I’ve been getting a few of these related shit comments lately… Author : UMNO (IP: , .)E-mail : pervertsuck @ pleasedie . comURI :Whois : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput= US A GOOD DEED, AND STUCK […]
- 7 May, 2007
- kivanoconnor / PayPal Claim Follow-up!!– also tagged address, asshole, auction, bastard, bigvan05, bigvan05@hotmail.co.uk, binge, borked, business, changes, claim, coded, days, design, Developerchat.net, domain, dope, Draper, drinking, email, encyclopediadramatica.com, excuses, five, forums, Google, guy, hack job, Hart, Investigations, job, Kivan, kivan.destxhost.com, kivanoconnor, Krystal, krystole, marketplace, motherfucker, MSN, MSN Messenger, Oconnor, party, PayPal, paypal claim, PayPal.com, portfolio, prick, rip-off, ripoff, ripoffreport.com, rules, sazzadhossain.info, shit, sitepoint.com, smoking, talkfreelance.com, Tammy, Tammy Hart, Tammy Hart Designs, tammyhartdesigns.com, templates, theme, themes, three, trust, users, weed, WordPress, WP theme
Just got an email from PayPal today regarding that PayPal claim I had filed against Kivanoconman, I mean Kivanoconnor! Oh God I’m fucking awesome! I love waking up in the morning and seeing this email in the email box whoo hoo!! Dear (Name Removed Privacy Reasons), We have concluded our investigation into your case and have decided […]