Tag Archives: face
- 5 May, 2010
- Fatty fuckness…– also tagged coward, crying, emotions, fatness, fatty, fuck, fucking, glob, pack, puppet, puppet master, remote control, wolf
It’s one thing to admit to me you want me, then throw me to the wolf pack, crying wolf. You’ve known who I was, you know me, don’t be lying and shit and claiming to assume you made a mistake. I can’t help the fact that you’re a damn coward fatty fuck face. You rather […]
- 16 March, 2008
- The Kitty Cat…– also tagged ass, beer, booze, cat, fuck, kerosene, kitty, liquor, M80, motherfucker, mower, pussy, rebel, riding, riding lawnmower, stray, teenagers
For all you cat lovers out there, ya might wanna get a box of tissues ready… cause this story isn’t pretty… Like I just posted on my buddies BRAND NEW site, I-AM-MEAN.COM. Here’s a little story that happened while hanging out with an old hick buddy of mine… While I was still in middle school, me and my […]
- 1 November, 2006
- Fuck and, or Chuck!– also tagged blowjob, chinese dude, chuck, fat, Frankenstein, fuck, latest matches, leanency, lesbian, PA, Pennsylvania, project, ugliness, Yahoo
I have just received another email from Yahoo on my “Latest Matches” tonight, and have decided to do up a different approach to this article.. (Yeah right, latest “matches” my fucking ass!) Oh!!, Wait, maybe that’s what they’re trying to find “matches” for then… Ok!! Now I understand.. Anyways, on with the bullshit!This article is […]
- 10 June, 2004
- Shaving Is A Bitch….– also tagged bastard, bill, cut, hair, head, hell, lazy, Lift and Cut Technology, money, Nads, Norelco, plastic, rashy, shaved, shaver, shit
EVERY GOD DAMN DAY MY FACE NEEDS SHAVED AND IT PISSES ME OFF! I wish the god damn hair on the top of my head grew as fast as my damn facial hair… jesus! Most of the time I shave my face right before work….and it seems like by the time I get home after an […]