Tag Archives: computer
- 11 August, 2008
- Vcast music + Rhapsody (Crapsody) – Vcast music = Shit– also tagged account, bullshit, downloads, fucking, illegal, limewire, limewire.com, Media Player, Music, protected, purchased, Rhapsody, shop, songs, Third Parties, usb cable, VCast, Verizon, Verizon Wireless, verizonwireless.com
Ya know what blows horse sized loads? The fucking Rhapsody (Third Turd party shitty software that’s used along side Verizon’s Vcast Music shop) Software. There’s nothing like buying a shit-load of songs LEGALLY (for once in my life), only to resort in having to download most of them ILLEGALLY via Limewire… Come on Crapsody… I mean…Rhapsody.. get your […]
- 28 July, 2008
- Military man..– also tagged 50 caliber machine gun, 9mm hand guns, A-bomb, American, asteroid, boot camp, cars, cellphones, clocks, field, grenades, M-16 machine gun, M.R.E.S, men, military, pampered, physical training, radios, silver platter, survive, tank
Most don’t know, I’ve been in the military. Basically right out of High School. Yep, in 1996, been there done it and would to do it again! Nothing beats driving an M1A1 tank, shooting the 50 caliber machine gun, throwing live grenades, shooting the M-16 machine gun, 9mm hand guns, and eating M.R.E.S in the […]
- 18 March, 2008
- Them little fucking shit-heads…– also tagged babes, back, chair, curse, door, dump, fails, fuck, fucking, healthy, motherfuckers, online, Princess, retarded, shit, shit-heads, wooden
Every god damn time I get online, the little shit-heads are trying to bust down the back door cause they locked themselves the fuck in and they want out… For all the fucking retarded motherfuckers out there, that basically means.. I GOTTA TAKE A FUCKING SHIT! It never fucking fails! All fucking god damn day […]
- 13 December, 2007
- Some of the shit I say in Messenger Offlines…I tell ya…– also tagged booted, damn, gee willikers, god, messenger, Microshit, online, rock, say shit, shit, spencer, updates
Even I crack myself up sometimes, after going back through offlines I leave people on Messengers… Well, take this one for example… Spencer: u there Spencer: I’m downloading shitty microshit updates and shit and if i just happen to leave, it’s because my computer needs rebooted.. Spencer: actually needs BOOTED out the fucking window but that’s another story.. […]