
my thoughts to save money, and keep our troops safe and spend less on prisons… here we go…

General It Is Said Rants

Send the murderers overseas to fight wars, they’ll get out and have some “Freedom”, and at same time do what they do best. Murder people. Done. If they get killed, no big deal, no housing expenses necessary at all, and no death-row political drama necessary. It’s done deal.

The more murderers from prison that goes over to fight our wars, the less we need to spend on our troops to house, feed, and lose casualties of… If we send over guys locked up for life terms in prison…for what they do best anyway.. it will save on our tax dollars. No need to house and feed prisoners anymore. On top of that, we’ll save money on our own good troops. Save them for when deemed necessary to use them. Prisoners sitting in prison for 25 to life… They’re just there wasting life away, time, money, housing and etc…

Why be stupid and do that? When they could easily be shipped overseas with knives, guns, and whatever else… let them do what they do best… and at same time.. enjoy their freedoms… Fuck.. If I had control over the government, that’s what I would do… Either that, or turn all the murderers jail cells into gas chambers.. gas em all.. and let the non-violent offenders go free…

Either way, it will save money some where along the lines… And if they pass the Bill to legalize marijuana, then all those that are in for smoking weed, will be set free anyway.. Or should be anyway… Think about it…

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Gas prices = horse shit!


It’s pretty fucked up that the cost of a gallon of gas, is about the same price as a pack of Marlboro cigarettes.

Hell, even minimum wage don’t cover near the cost of a gallon of gas. I think all those top dog assholes controlling the gas prices need shot. It’s a sad shame, that even if you worked 8 hours a day at minimum wage, half your days worth of pay is gone already in the gas tank…

I mean, “wear and tear” on the vehicle has to be accounted for as well as the gas to get around. To be fair, they should reduce the prices of vehicles in general, to leave some “leeway” so all us not so wealthy pricks can afford to get around…

Sure, we could all stop using cars and just buy a horse and buggy. But think of all the costs that goes into those too! I’d rather change the oil in a car every 3,000 miles, than clean up horse shit on a daily fucking basis. Not to mention having to feed the damn thing every day / night and all that extra other horse shit ya gotta do…

And let’s not forget, how much longer it will take to get around where you need to go if you’re in a horse and buggy… I guess, either way you’re screwed out of money, and either way… you end up dealing with more horse shit than ya really need to start with… Fucking horse shit…

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Mowing the grass is a pain in the Ass!



It seems like every 2 to 3 days you have to get out the fucking lawn mowers and waste all that $2.00 a gallon of gas just to mow the damn grass!

IT WOULD BE NICE IF IT DIDN’T FUCKING RAIN ALL THE DAMN TIME! JESUS! The god damn grass just keeps growing and growing and shit, you can’t even have a break from mowing the stupid lawn! Before too long I’ll be having to mow the grass in my sleep! Wake up with grass stains and clippings all over the place!

I just wish someone would invent the ultimate grass cutter or leveler! I hope in the future like anything else you can buy that makes your life easier, they would invent the DIAL THE GRASS, or THE LAWN LEVELER! This would be fucking awesome, because…all you’d have to do is some how install a main control panel inside your home and turn a dial or push a button and the grass just lowers under the ground!

You could have a level system to! Just put it on height level of 3 and push the button or turn the dial till the grass goes under the ground to suit your liking! DAMN! I would love it! The products selling motto (slogan) would be like some of the following I made up below here:

1) Don’t let the grass kick your ass! buy the DIAL THE GRASS!

2) Now you can kick the grass’s ass by using DIAL THE GRASS!

3) Don’t be a dumbass, buy DIAL THE GRASS!

4) Save your gas by buying DIAL THE GRASS!

Shit! I think it would awesome! I can’t wait for someone to make this up some day. I think it will be to, because everyone is about being LAZY! Even with taking care of the lawn. These days even the lawn-care products are making life easier for everyone! I dunno, I’m going to think of a way to make this possible and if I come up with something, I’ll share it with you! Well! I’m done…I gotta go mow the fucking lawn again! Laterz!

(Please note: I’m sure I’m going to have Robbie replying to this post or some other dumbass that thinks they know everything about anything! Please save your breath and keep your fucking mouth shut! I know what you could do, come mow my grass so I don’t have to!)


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