Tag Archives: pain
- 15 May, 2008
- Callwave…– also tagged ass, bastard, brother, calling, Callwave, cheap, connection, Dial Up, family, fuck, fuck nut, gram, internet, Juno, members, pap, www.callwave.com
I’m sure (most) everyone knows what Callwave is, right? If ya don’t, ah well… be glad ya didn’t. In brief, it’s an online answering machine for the cheap fucks like me. Ya know, someone that still uses shitty $9.95 a month Juno dialup Internet. And also, when you only have one phone line in the house, your asshole friends, […]
- 16 February, 2008
- HOT OFF THE PRINTING PRESS, FROM THE “TWISTED STANDARD BULLSHIT JOURNAL PAPER INC”…– also tagged bullshit, Card, christine, drama, gall bladder, gall stones, jenn, Krystal, krystole, Nicole, piled up, ranee, Rissie, shit, shitty, surgery, tgo, valentines day, wonderful life
There’s been ALOT going on lately. There’s SO MUCH shit piled on my plate that even the nearest fat person wouldn’t be able to devour in a quarter past the hour, so sorry that my responses and posts have been NILL lately… Anyway, here’s what’s been going on in my “wonderful life”, or better known […]
- 1 June, 2004
- Mowing the grass is a pain in the Ass!– also tagged ass, break, clippings, dial, future, gallon, gas, grass, ground, growing, invent, lazy, motto, mowers, mowing, place, shit, sleep, slogan, stains, waste
MOWING THE GRASS IS A BIG PAIN IN THE ASS! It seems like every 2 to 3 days you have to get out the fucking lawn mowers and waste all that $2.00 a gallon of gas just to mow the damn grass! IT WOULD BE NICE IF IT DIDN’T FUCKING RAIN ALL THE DAMN TIME! JESUS! The god […]