hotsexygirl is a member of MySpace and is inviting you to join.


Natalie is back!!! Gee Whiz, this girl just doesn’t wanna give up on me!

Yeah, I got another email from this Slutty Spammer Bot Bitch… Still up to her old tricks, just using a different “name”… Anyway, here’s what she had to say this time…

hotsexygirl says: merry christmas!!

Twisted says: Merry (Go Fuck Yourself All The Way To) Christmas!! You fuckin MySpace Spammer Slut Bot Bitch!! GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!

hotsexygirl says: i saw your pic

Twisted says: I don’t know how many times I have to emphasize it you dumbass cunt bot bitch! I DO NOT HAVE MY PICTURES ON MYSHIT.COM, I MEAN MYSPACE.COM!!!!!!!!!! You must have me confused with someone else?

hotsexygirl says: your hot

Twisted says: Thanks! I know I’m hot. My girlfriend knows I’m hot too! By the way, it’s “you’re” not “your”… dumb fuck. *takes a bow to audience*

hotsexygirl says: meet me on msn natalie25snow @ see you!!

Twisted says: Fuck You! I ain’t meeting you on any messenger(s). Last time I met one of “you” on a messenger, it wasn’t pleasant. Oops, did I just say that. Nah…

hotsexygirl says: thanks naty!!

Twisted says: Geeez! For someone that’s so hard up to meet me on MSN Messenger, you’d think they would at least be able to spell their “name” right and use correct grammar! I’m sorry bitch, but you’re a total turn-off! GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!

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Various vagina lips…


Okay, this was brought up in another post of mine. Why do female pussy lips vary in shapes, and looks?

I mean, you have the famous “hamburger bun” lips, and “camel toes”. Which are HOT!! Then you have those pussy lips that just look like a wrinkled old grandmas pussy, sagging there like wrinkled slop of flesh… wtf!?!?!?

Here, I’ve gone ahead and rounded up some image examples from the internet, this way you can see what I’m talking about…

(These are nudes of chicks, please be advised! NSFW!!)

a) Here’s an example of the “hamburger bun” or “camel toe” lips I was talking about. Don’t it look Mmm, tasty!! Here’s one that’s pretty much the same too, except with her bent over like that, it looks like an EMBEDDED YO-YO…

b) Here’s another shot of the same chick’s pussy that you seen above there. But, with her spread eagle like that, it looks like a “Double Heart”.. don’t it?

c) Here’s another one, I’m going to call it the “Slit Clit”… Why? Because it has a nice slit up the middle of the clit. Nothing protruding and shit…That’s a nice one too…

d) Here’s another one, I’m going to call it the “clam”. Why? Because don’t it kinda look like a clam? It’s a nice one too… Licky licky, slip in the dicky…

e) (Forewarning, most guys might not want to look at this one) Here’s another one too. This one is gross looking. Why? Because it looks like the lady not only dildo herself with a normal dildo, but a Chef Knife too, looks all bloody and shit.. Ewww!! SICK!

f) Here’s another one, this is another gross one. This is one of those “What the hell is it? Is it safe to put my dick in this?” pussies…

g) (Forewarning; not really because it’s gross, but because there’s a guys cock in it as well.) Here’s another one, this is going to get the name “Gaping Maw”… Well, you’ll understand why I gave it that name then, once you seen it .. LOL!

h) Here’s another one, this is the “Slop of Fuck” I was talking about.. What the hell is this shit?!?!? Is it safe to put a dick in this or what?!?!?! Eeek!

Anyway, yeah.. I think that about sums it up for various pussy lips. If I happened to miss some, let me know!

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Knick, Knack, Paddy Whack (This Old Man)

Bitches It Is Said

It’s that time again people, time for another version of a nursery rhyme Twisted style! Sing it people!

Knick, Knack, Paddy Whack (Miss Jackie Is Fat, Ugly, And Needs A Smack)…

This fat ugly sow, she played two, she played knick knack while eating her poo. Ew Ewww… With a knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the big ugly ass bitch a bone; This fucking cunt couldn’t give a man a measly hard-on.

This cattle fucking slut, she played four, she played knick knack while dressed up like a stable whore standing at the stable door. With a knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the big ugly ass bitch a bone; This fucking cunt couldn’t give a man a measly hard-on.

This ugly whore bag bitch, she played six, she played knick knack while fucking huge ass elephant dicks. With a knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the big ugly ass bitch a bone; This fucking cunt couldn’t give a man a measly hard-on.

This vomit equivalent ugly ass bitch, she played eight, she played knick knack while tied up at the front gate. With a knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the big ugly ass bitch a bone; This fucking cunt couldn’t give a man a measly hard-on.

This sick bitch, she played ten, she played knick knack while dry humping “Big Ben”. With a knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the big ugly ass bitch a bone; This fucking cunt couldn’t give a man a measly hard-on.

This pussy stinking big bitch, she played eleven, she played knick knack down below in hell because even if Jesus was drunk he wouldn’t let her in Heaven. With a knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the big ugly ass bitch a bone; This fucking cunt couldn’t give a man a measly hard-on.

This acne and pimple infested ugly sow, she played twelve, she played knick knack while eating all junk food from the grocery store shelves. With a knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the big ugly ass bitch a bone; This fucking cunt couldn’t give a man a measly hard-on.

Well, that’s all folks! More Twisted style Nursery Rhymes coming later… Here’s the link to the original version of the Nursery Rhyme…

This was originally posted Dec 2, 3007… Just wanted to bring back some old laughs.

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One of the worst drivers in the world, are the old farts..


Here below is why…

1. They are fucking retarded. Their brains are fucking mush, just like the road kills that lay on the road with their brains splattered every where….

2. THEY CAN’T STAY IN THEIR OWN GOD DAMN LANES!! I’m not sure how you feel about it, but I think they made yellow lines down the center of the road for a reason!?!?

Also, it’s not a “game” to see who can take out the most “side view mirrors” of the cars coming in opposite direction…

IMHO, I think they should just all drive off a fuckin cliff some wheres. Of course their trip down would take a day and half since they slow ass motherfuckers.. but that’s okay! They still manage to get where they going regardless so it’s all good!

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Hmmm, shit…

General It Is Said

I know there was alot of hype about using people’s pictures without their consent before. And I guess it’s all true…

Case in point: Just a couple of weeks ago this local guy was arrested and I believed jailed, for using his ex-wife’s naked photos on a site without her consent. And to think, I was going to post up some chicks nudes and cell videos, of them dildoing themselves… Damn it, I guess that’s out of the question now… :lol:

P.S. Yes, these were given to me before, and they were not from chicks from the recent drama bullshit deal either… Hey! I can’t help it if they liked doing that for me… wheee!

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Regarding the comments…


After talking on the phone with a buddy last night for 4 hours, about how long I had VB, and him having his site and everything, and then the drama, and the chick related stuff in general… I’ve come to the conclusion…

I’ve had my VB site for many years, and put alot of time into it as well. I’m not going to remove VB at all. I wouldn’t remove it for anyone, and if people don’t like it, they can suck my Willy Wong Dong…

It’s my fucking site, no one else’s. I’ve been “friends” with two of these people for many months, and I shouldn’t have to stand in the middle of their spats and drama shit. Everyone made mistakes in the past, everyone fucked up at some point in this whole drama bullshit deal…

I know I have. And I can’t apologize enough for my wrong doings and bad actions either… It’s always going to haunt me, even though it shouldn’t have to be thrown in my face on a daily fucking basis…But whatever…

I admit I quoted shit and replied to it, but it was to get out what I had to say… but that shit over now. I ain’t doing it no more, and the other past drama shit posts are being deleted.. I’m tired of that shit. I don’t need it no more, and neither does anyone else… Anyway…I’m done, my comments are moderated now…

P.S. – If ya don’t like who I talk with, ya can always just fuck off for good! Cause like I said either way… I ain’t losing shit…Merry Early Fucking Christmas bitches and bastards….

P.S.S. – Christine was right about everyone actually. I should have listened to her all along, but I didn’t. I was stupid. And yeah, whoever is running around posting comments pretending to be her, is WRONG. She hasn’t posted comments any where, except a few sites like mine, and a couple other friends sites of hers…

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