Google Talk Chat #4
GeneralSpencer: instead of starting with BOOZE… drink hard shit first.. then go to, some vodka to get a buzz.. then stop and switch to beer
blacksnday: can’t buy the hard shit right now… hell I KNOW BF mad that I bought a 30pack 2day even though he didn’t say anything. LOLOLOL
Spencer: haha
blacksnday: I was all like, WELL YOU LEFT ME MONEY.. IT’S YOUR FAULT! LOL
Spencer: Just give him a 30 pack to make up for it .. say.. time for a thirty packings! bend over baby!
blacksnday: I did 2day ;d LOL hahhaahaha
Spencer: lmao… 30 tho? hahahahaha
blacksnday: hahaha
Spencer: tat a dolla bill on the dick and rail till its paid off
blacksnday: LMAO
The whole convo was started, because he couldn’t get a buzz after so many days of drinking previously. Sometimes after few days of drinking, then taking break from it, it’s hard to get a buzz or drunk again next day or so. It happened to me already before…back in the day.