
Taco Bell Turned Taco Hell!…. Part 2!


Well! After calling the Taco Hell’s Manager! I got me a letter in the mail saying how sorry they were for the fuck up bullshit! And they sent me a $4.00 off card! Woot Woot!!

I should do that all the damn time…and use other people’s phones while doing it lmao! Just make up names and use their addresses….so they keep sending me $4.00 off cards! Naa…I wouldn’t do that! But one thing he did tell me though, here it is below:

1) Specify when ordering a “T2″ to make it a “Baja Chicken”…because if you don’t…you will get “Baja Beef” automatically!

The problem with my orders were….I did say “Baja Chicken” and still got the fucking “Baja Beef Slop Of Fuck”!

It does pay to speak up about their fuck ups! Remember that! Well, that’s all this for this Taco Hell posting shit, time to go spend that $4.00 off card lmao!! Laterz….


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Sites and Blogs that USED TO link here…


It’s always nice to have to start all over again when it comes to promoting a website/blog. Especially when your original domain name that was getting good hits and such went down the shitter like mine!

It’s just plain old horse dung really….I spent over a year promoting along with the Plog and was getting great amounts of incoming hits. Now I gotta start all over again… > < Well, I just re-added my Blog to Technorati’s Blog Finder again!! And of course, there is no blogs linking to me, which is to be expected. Hopefully again, I’ll get my tons of incoming hits back.

Before while running the .com domain name, my Alexa rank had gone from the original 3,000,000 something to 90,000 something within a few months and was able to do a link exchange with Which as far as I know, I still have an account with, well I’m sure I do, I just logged into that the other week and updated the site blog’s link.

And of course, all the other’s listed in the Linkswap section. Not to mention some friend’s blogs, that I didn’t list on here. Anyway, hopefully I can get it all back to the way it was before, and if you want to do a link exchange with me, send me an email. I gotta get to bed, I got one day surgery tomorrow…..tata..

About the current theme…


I know I could have added this in the previous post as a “P.S.” probably, but figured…naa fuck it. I’m currently trying to modify and change the overall look of the Headspace theme, so if certain things are not done, please don’t bawl.

I know some CSS and Theme making gurus out there might have it all done within a few seconds…but, I’m just not that “gifted”! Also, it does take me time to get things (images and the coding shit) just right. Well, especially when I have a piece of shit imagery program to use…what else is new.

Anyway, I hope to have it done tomorrow sometime. But, for now…I must say goodnight, sleep tight and don’t let your shitty IE browsers bite!


Working on a layout is a pain in the ass!!


Jesus Mc Fucking Christ! Who would have thought that trying to modify a template or some css codes would be such a pain in the ass!

I just want to let everyone know now, if this blog looks shitty sometimes or the page brings parse error messages and what not, not to be alarmed! It’s just me trying to edit the supposedly easy codings of the template! And it should be back to normal within a few seconds of fucking the shit up, because I myself do not like shitty blogs and letting them fucked up with errors. Thanks for your understanding…


P.S. If this theme’s css file wasn’t the same size as the Moby Dick book, I prolly would have it done by now! And on top of that shit, if it was coded right to start with….jesus mcfuck!! I’m out…later..

Listen Up Fuck Nuts!!


Here is the deal, I’m working on all kinds of shit at the moment. I’m trying to work on various layouts for various pieces of shit!! At the current time, I’m working on a layout for the Plog, Movable Type 3.2, Joomla and my girlfriend’s pussy hairyness.

I know this shitty ass grey layout for the Plog is as boring as your grandmother on Sunday, while you’re drunk as fuck on Molsen Triple X and vicodin. It don’t quite mix too well, but fuck it…atleast you’re having fun. Any fucking ways…I’m going to bed now, I’ll get to this shit again when I get up…tata for now fuckers…

P.S. Jesus fucking christ, the god damn calendar is fucked up. What the hell!!? Just one more thing on the list to do yet…why not!? I need to get some beer, liquer and weed fuck it.. I’m too tired to deal with that piece of donkey dung yet… goodnight you piece of shit softwares and spammer bot twats..!

Jesus Fuck! It has been a month already!!


Damn! I’m really getting lazy…well..scratch that, I have always been lazy. I guess it’s just because I don’t give a shit about updating. Yeah! That’s it! Anyways, some where along the line, my new site theme layout came up missing. I think I saved it to a cd while being drunk a few weeks ago.

So, I gotta go find it. Then I can get that fucker done and upload the bitch. I also hope to come up with $15.00 for my damn domain name before it expires, next month. Alot needs done here, and sooner or later it will get done. I promise…which reminds me, I gotta upload tons and tons of porno to.

I have been saving like a motherfucker, but, just never upload them. Oops…I will get to that then to.. anyways…that’s all, that’s it, no more shit!


Just About Given Up…..


I am fucking totally sick of the internet about, I really don’t give a god damn about shit! I’m fucking tired of the fucking popups, ads, spyware bullshit and anything else that fucks up your computer’s life online.

I want to just take all that bullshit and ram it up the fucker’s assholes fucking with me! I’m really tired of it, I really don’t give a damn no more about shit. What should I? Everytime you fucking turn around, you have fucking popups, spyware leeching the shit, or whatever else. Fuck!!

The only thing that comes to mind about it all is: Eminem’s Song “PUKE”! That fits the shit! But only to a degree! “You make me fucking sick to my stomach, you may not think you do, but you do! “

Damn! I love E.M. The Nark post is coming up here soon….fucking sick of fucking narks to…fucking pricks.. later

Things going on and on and on some more…


But, nothing ever changes here at my Site, Blog and Porn gallery. Mmm…I could spend all day making up excuses for my lack of updates and shit…but, it still won’t change the fact that I’m just fucking lazy.

No, I have been working on the new site layout lately, when I have time. It’s probably about 46.5% done now maybe. I dunno, fuck it. Even though it took me a god damn 2 and half days to download Photoshop CS and get started on shit, if it’s not’s the weather, me watching my boys or what not.

But, today I’ll have more of a jump on shit because the roads are still shitty and I don’t have a fucking job no more! Which I’ll explain more in another post. Anyways, hopefully by the end of today, the layout will be about ready to upload. Just thought I’d let everyone know what is going on. I’m done with this for now…gotta start working on my layout again. TaTa…..

About The Blog…


I am debating on deleting the Blog totally. I know it helps bring in visitors from search engines and such. But, I am getting sick of the spamming bot bastards and shit. It’s just SAD period! This is one of the main reasons I had deleted the GuestBook. I spent more time deleting spam shit from it then I was enjoying the posts from “real” people.

With the Blog, I’m spending more time in the control panel finding the spammer bot bastard’s bullshit, banning the IP’s, marking their posts as spam and deleting the shit! Lastnight alone I must have had like 30 notifications via email from replies made to my posts, only to find it was all SHIT SPAM!

I was going to wait until I get the new Photoshop downloaded, and make a newer layout before I updated or added more content to the main site. But, I’m going to scratch that idea and just start adding content from the Blog to main site tonight while Photoshop downloads. With my shitty ass dial up connection, it’s going to be a good while till it’s done!

The layout I did start was mostly done with Fireworks 4, and most of the images are saved as (.png) instead of (.gifs) which makes each image file larger then need be. Like I said, I’m not great with Fireworks 4, but I really had no choice. Fuck it.

I’m just going to start gathering the posts from the Blog and add them to the main site as is! Then come back later on and adjust them accordingly! As I do this, the pages will be uploaded and updated! Tonight or early morning, I should have updated a few pages. Most likely the Rants pages! Just thought I’d keep you updated on this. Laterz

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