from postmaster to,,,, date Tue, May 27, 2008 at 6:37 AM
i loved your profile and i think we can be friends
just hit me up on msn messneger i am
Really? Ya really liked my profile? That’s funny, because I don’t have anymore online profiles bitch. It’s also funny, that you’d email all those OTHER guys, if you were SO interested in ME.
Pfft, please… leave me the hell alone slut, I’m already taken… And even IF you just wanted to be friends, I wouldn’t friends with you… You’re on the same level as Christine now.. good bye!
*Sniffle* *Sniffle*… Awww, apparently I was being too mean on the wp-testers emailing list, now my reply to this Gene guys email is being held for moderation.
It’s a shame too, because my last reply wasn’t even a bad one. Nor was it trying to keep things continuing, however, his was. Of course, as per usual, “they’ll” let “them” get the last word in on the list. That’s okay though, I’ll say my piece here.
It’s kinda fucked up though too, because Gene the Fuckin Drama Queen was the one to take the email over the edge and into an argumentative state. I was merely just being sarcastic with a few things, and bastard Gene Steinberg had to take it over and beyond just sarcasm.
Now you tell me, is my reply bad?
Gene Steinberg wrote: I have a great bridge in Brooklyn, NY I can sell you real cheap.
Ha ha.
spencerp wrote: Really!?!?!? I’m in dire NEED of a bridge!! This way I can throw people off of it if need be. Well, not just them but myself… how much you looking for? hahaha…
Nope, there was nothing wrong with it. Now, his on the other hand IS. It’s just asking for an argument.
Gene Steinberg wrote: How about one to replace a couple of your teeth?
spencerp wrote: Aww, is Gene the Drama Queen getting “tough” with me now… I’m flattered. Your undies must be pulled up to tight in the ass crack, might wanna adjust it. I was just f-ing around.
Wow, for someone to point out needing a bridge to replace a couple of the teeth, he sure does alot of talking. I think the Golden State Bridge would be able to span across yours with no problems Gene… I mean, look at that HUGE gap there buddy.
Don’t Gene the Fuckin Drama Queen look like a Goofy Gay closet case pedophile? Yes, yes he does.. I knew you’d agree with me… No wonder he has a strong interest in UFOs and other paranormal phenomena, his mother was human, and the father was alien. Fucking Goofy Gay Gene the Drama Queen.
Natalie is back!!! Gee Whiz, this girl just doesn’t wanna give up on me!
Yeah, I got another email from this Slutty Spammer Bot Bitch… Still up to her old tricks, just using a different “name”… Anyway, here’s what she had to say this time…
hotsexygirl says: merry christmas!!
Twisted says: Merry (Go Fuck Yourself All The Way To) Christmas!! You fuckin MySpace Spammer Slut Bot Bitch!! GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!
hotsexygirl says: i saw your pic
Twisted says: I don’t know how many times I have to emphasize it you dumbass cunt bot bitch! I DO NOT HAVE MY PICTURES ON MYSHIT.COM, I MEAN MYSPACE.COM!!!!!!!!!! You must have me confused with someone else?
hotsexygirl says: your hot
Twisted says: Thanks! I know I’m hot. My girlfriend knows I’m hot too! By the way, it’s “you’re” not “your”… dumb fuck. *takes a bow to audience*
hotsexygirl says: meet me on msn natalie25snow @ see you!!
Twisted says: Fuck You! I ain’t meeting you on any messenger(s). Last time I met one of “you” on a messenger, it wasn’t pleasant. Oops, did I just say that. Nah…
hotsexygirl says: thanks naty!!
Twisted says: Geeez! For someone that’s so hard up to meet me on MSN Messenger, you’d think they would at least be able to spell their “name” right and use correct grammar! I’m sorry bitch, but you’re a total turn-off! GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!
Just got an email from PayPal today regarding that PayPal claim I had filed against Kivanoconman, I mean Kivanoconnor!
Oh God I’m fucking awesome! I love waking up in the morning and seeing this email in the email box whoo hoo!!
Dear (Name Removed Privacy Reasons),
We have concluded our investigation into your case and have decided in your favor.
We were able to recover $46.68 USD and this amount has been credited to you. Please allow five business days for this adjustment to be posted.
If you are due any additional funds, we will make our best effort to recover the balance from the seller.
If the seller’s account has insufficient funds to complete the refund owed to you, please be assured that we will take appropriate action against the seller’s account, which may include limitation of the seller’s account privileges.
———————————– Transaction Details ———————————–
Transaction Date: Mar 28, 2007 Transaction Amount: -$112.00 USD Your Transaction ID: 97467926XH4313154 Seller’s Transaction ID: 7YN66305WN033051N Case Number: PP-278-752-932 Seller’s Name: Kivan Oconnor Seller’s Email:
Just for a celebration post, I’ll post one with various names for you, using your own name!! And by the way…don’t think for a minute you’re getting off the hot seat!
Oh God I’m so happy and awesome! Hey! That’s to be expected though, I was just born awesome! And any chick that’s with me is awesome, and our future kids will be awesome!
They all follow in my footsteps of total awesomeness!
Like I said numerous of times before, the chicks in my shitty State of Pennsylvania,…ARE NOT, all that great looking!! And the possibility of finding someone, is slim to nothing. Well, you be the “judge” lol!! Take a gander at the screen shot below here..
(Click the smaller image below here, to see the rest of them, and a bigger version of the screen shot.)
Come on Yahoo!! Either force people to upload their self pictures, or delete their shitty accounts!! It isn’t that hard, is it? I mean shit, if you click on the smaller image above and go to view the bigger one, you’ll see that just a little under half of them, don’t have their shitty self pictures uploaded..
Besides all that, a little more then half of those that have images uploaded, are god damn dogs!! Jesus Christ people…see what I’m talking about now? Finding someone descent looking, and even a generally “good” person, is like finding a needle in a hay stack for Christ’s sakes..
I know I might live in the country, on an “old” farm, and have enough land for pigs, dogs, cows and such animals,.. but…that doesn’t mean I want any, or NEED any for that matter!! Thanks for nothing Yahoo!! You can go ahead and keep the barn yard animals.. I’ll just pack up and move to another location, or State even… I’ve been seriously thinking about it too.. Fuck it! I’m done with this shit! Tata!!
P.S. Yes, I know…the ones that don’t have their shitty self pictures uploaded, probably don’t have a way to upload it onto their shitty computers or something..
Yeah, come up with another excuse..I mean shit, if they have a PC, or access to one, then they should or would also have some brains, to find away to get them uploaded onto their PC’s.
Oh well…fuck it! 99% of the time, they probably just won’t get hit on!! And even IF they did get hit on, they’re still fat fucking whore bag bitches from fatty filled hell!! It’s their loss lmao!! (Please note: This was posted a good while ago.. it’s NOT NEW!!)