

General Rants

I’m sure (most) everyone knows what Callwave is, right? If ya don’t, ah well… be glad ya didn’t. In brief, it’s an online answering machine for the cheap fucks like me. Ya know, someone that still uses shitty $9.95 a month Juno dialup Internet.

And also, when you only have one phone line in the house, your asshole friends, family members, and debt collectors can still leave ya that “special” message you don’t wanna hear anyway! But anyway, nothing pisses me off more than my shitty brother calling every god damn time I get online!!

The fucking asshole can’t call while I’m at work all god damn fucking day, he has to wait until he figures I’m just getting online, or I am already online!!!! I get home from shit work around 4:15pm EST, and he’ll call around 5pm when I usually get online! He can’t call any earlier, because after all… I’m not home to get online, nor am I usually online before 5pm. So naturally, the fat fuck face pain the fucking ass has to call at 5pm!

Nothing like… JUST SIGNING ONTO THE NET, and then the Callwave thing pops up! “INCOMING CALL! IT’S YOUR PAIN IN THE FUCKING ASS BROTHER AGAIN!!” …. So naturally… I instantly click the X button, to close out the Callwave all together! And yell… “GO FUCK YOURSELF!”

Then yell downstairs to gram, “CALL MIKE AGAIN!! HE NEEDS TO TALK TO YOU AGAIN, BECAUSE HE FUCKING RETARDED!” I mean shit, the fuck nut can’t just call BEFORE I / someone else in the family gets online… He has to wait until we ARE ONLINE to call! It’s fucking bullshit!

Just like today, he called around 5:12pm… I closed out Callwave and yelled to gram to call him. She was like.. “Oh God! What now!?!?” So she called him. An hour later, I reopened Callwave… thinking it was SAFE again. Boy was I wrong! He fucking called 14 times more, up till 6:50pm from the last time he spoke with her at 5:13pm!! Again, I yelled down to gram… “CALL MIKE AGAIN!!! HE CALLED 14 TIMES SINCE YA LAST SPOKE WITH THE RETARD ABOUT HOUR AGO!”

She was like (while throwing arms and hands up in air)… “OH GOD! WHAT’S HE WANT NOW!?!?!? I JUST SPOKE WITH HIM A LITTLE BIT AGO!!!!” I told pap before, even though we NEED Callwave, I still think we should cancel it and use that money spent on Callwave payments, to block his number and his fat ugly 60 year old girlfriend’s number from calling here… He laughed.

It’s fucked up though too, it’s not just the pain in the fucking ass brother that calls WHILE I’m just getting online, or while already online… it’s anyone in general. But mostly my family members. Of course, there’s only one person that can call whenever and I won’t get mad at em for it…

Either way, like in this image preview here (click image to see full version), I wish I had the following options to choose from:

Brother + Callwave = Pain in the fucking ass!

I know, I know… get something better then Juno Dialup, ya cheap bastard! My response: “Ya gonna give me the money for something better?” No? Aight then, shut the fuck up and call me, so I can close Callwave on ya! Well, for everyone except one person… :D

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Feelings General It Is Said

There’s been ALOT going on lately. There’s SO MUCH shit piled on my plate that even the nearest fat person wouldn’t be able to devour in a quarter past the hour, so sorry that my responses and posts have been NILL lately… Anyway, here’s what’s been going on in my “wonderful life”, or better known as “a steamy pile of horse shit”.

A.) My Jenn had her surgery today, Friday the 15th. Poor thing had 3 or 4 gall stones in her gall bladder, giving her immense pain in the stomach
and all over. Even AFTER the surgery she’s STILL in immense pain. :(

Between pulling my normal double (10am to 4pm / 10pm to 2am) Friday shifts at work, I spent time with her in the hospital, gave her a Valentines day card and a rose. She’ll be getting more later though… ;) She’ll be released this (Sat. Feb. 16th) morning. While she’s home resting, I’ll be here spending time with the oldest son. :) Then on Sunday I’ll be going to her house for the day, which means I won’t be online. :P

B.) Christine apparently THOUGHT I would enjoy emails regarding drama related bullshit about Rissie. Uh, who fucking cares about Rissie? I sure as hell don’t give a shit about her, or whatever the hell that drama is about. *Shrug* I’m sorry, but if the FIRST email to me in MONTHS/WEEKS has to be drama related, then you’re up to NO GOOD.

This coming from someone that gave me royal hell for being a part of the drama from the get go, this coming from someone that doesn’t want drama with Ranee and them and wanted me to ban them all. But can stir up shit about Rissie, bringing me into “it”, and I don’t even fucking KNOW HER.

I’m sorry, but if that’s all you’re going to do here, then just keep moving along. I don’t need that shit no more. The only one that I was picking at, was Krystal. Because she’s ALWAYS there, ALWAYS doing the same old shit. She deserves what she gets. She dishes it out, but can’t handle the same servings of shit when passed back around to her.

As for you Christine. We’re done. Plan and simple. DONE! DONE! DONE! FUCKING DONE! Sing it people! Go back to the wonderful husband you claim to be with, ya know…Mr. Shitty and be happy. Or wait, weren’t you dating your teacher last I knew? Ah, that’s right. You were. Good luck with it all! Stop emailing me bullshit. To call truce, to call closure to US. You’re pictures are down and gone. They are no more on my server, nor on CDS.

I don’t need that shit anymore, especially since I’m happy with Jenn. I don’t need her seeing that stuff by chance, and getting sick all over again and end up in hospital once more. You could have had a good thing here, but, ya fucked that up royally.

That whole time I was chasing you, hoping for something serious (but turned out to be shit), could have been spent on someone else far better than you. Well, actually that whole time was already covered, Jenn was there. She was just on the back side for a temporary reason. Ah well, you lost, Jenn won all along. Have a nice life. Pfft, please.. “nice life” bwahahaha!

C.) I WAS going to answer Nicole on her site, but I my as well do it here quick. I know I told her it’s pointless to have the same thing scattered every where else, but I really rather just reply to her comments here instead.

ME: That’s nice, I thought you didn’t visit TGO’s site no more? So how did you know what was posted, if you didn’t visit TGO’s site?

NICOLE: “Maybe she got an anonymous tip, TGO-style.”

Yeah probably. That, or she just plain lied to me about NOT visiting THEIR sites. Either way, she a liar. *Shrug*

ME: Probably because you’ve ripped on me repeatedly before, treated me like shit the whole time (that I was chasing you and trying to be serious
with you)

NICOLE: “why would you want to be with someone who was promiscuous with her own relatives?”

I figured, everyone has their Kinky moments and does something off the wall or wrong in their life at some point. *Shrug* Of course, the more correct answer really is; I was just stupid.

CHRISTINE: “You promised me you’d never do that again.”

NICOLE: “You’ve done that before? By god, why wasn’t I there?”

Yeah it was done before. Believe me, be thankful you weren’t there then. BUT, the pictures from BACK THEN were posted already though, so you seen them anyway! *Shrug* Although they’re removed from my server now, I’m sure someone else out there has em yet lmao.

CHRISTINE: “I’m also willing to answer anything you want to know.”

NICOLE: “I have a question. Why in fuck’s name do you date people on the internet? Why the shit do you give naked pictures of yourself to your online boy toy, that were ACTUALLY meant for your brother? What the flying fuck?”

Dating people online isn’t really a BAD thing. The BAD thing about “it” is, most people are from out of State, they aren’t really local. You also never know WHO they really are, unless you met them in person. It’s also more convenient. Others told me the same thing though too, it’s pointless dating others online. I’m starting to believe it all now, 100%. When single, sharing pictures to boy toys and or girl toys is fun. :D As for the brother part, it’s kinky! :P

ME: “Perhaps? I don’t really remember anymore. But if I did, everyone please send her a Valentines Day card k…”

NICOLE: “I don’t believe in Valentine’s day. I don’t believe in love. No, not after this tragic day in history.

I feel that I have the right to pick apart the sad remnants of this relationship because they were meant for the general public in the first place. Being on the Internet, and all.

Because the Internet is SO personal and intimate. I want to vomit. I think I’m becoming bulimic, because this puking thing is most certainly a habit.”

Your thoughts, feelings, comments and such on the “relationship” are taken without any ill feelings. You have the right to say what you want about “it”. I ain’t mad. You’re really right though. My apologizes go to you, for having to be reading the shit regarding the past shit. It’s all basically just a bunch of shit and was a waste of time and life.

I’m sorry for even getting involved in “it” actually. I can only move on, move forward, and keep my head held high. My Jenn is there to help me with that though, and I’m grateful for that. :)

Anyway, that’s about all for the News. I’m tired as fuck now, I NEED sleep! Later people…

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Mowing the grass is a pain in the Ass!



It seems like every 2 to 3 days you have to get out the fucking lawn mowers and waste all that $2.00 a gallon of gas just to mow the damn grass!

IT WOULD BE NICE IF IT DIDN’T FUCKING RAIN ALL THE DAMN TIME! JESUS! The god damn grass just keeps growing and growing and shit, you can’t even have a break from mowing the stupid lawn! Before too long I’ll be having to mow the grass in my sleep! Wake up with grass stains and clippings all over the place!

I just wish someone would invent the ultimate grass cutter or leveler! I hope in the future like anything else you can buy that makes your life easier, they would invent the DIAL THE GRASS, or THE LAWN LEVELER! This would be fucking awesome, because…all you’d have to do is some how install a main control panel inside your home and turn a dial or push a button and the grass just lowers under the ground!

You could have a level system to! Just put it on height level of 3 and push the button or turn the dial till the grass goes under the ground to suit your liking! DAMN! I would love it! The products selling motto (slogan) would be like some of the following I made up below here:

1) Don’t let the grass kick your ass! buy the DIAL THE GRASS!

2) Now you can kick the grass’s ass by using DIAL THE GRASS!

3) Don’t be a dumbass, buy DIAL THE GRASS!

4) Save your gas by buying DIAL THE GRASS!

Shit! I think it would awesome! I can’t wait for someone to make this up some day. I think it will be to, because everyone is about being LAZY! Even with taking care of the lawn. These days even the lawn-care products are making life easier for everyone! I dunno, I’m going to think of a way to make this possible and if I come up with something, I’ll share it with you! Well! I’m done…I gotta go mow the fucking lawn again! Laterz!

(Please note: I’m sure I’m going to have Robbie replying to this post or some other dumbass that thinks they know everything about anything! Please save your breath and keep your fucking mouth shut! I know what you could do, come mow my grass so I don’t have to!)


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