
Coming Soon – A new blog theme …


UPDATE! – I’ve been busting my balls all fucking day to get this theme ready! I only got, like, TWO more things to do yet, and she should be ready for uploading!!

I tried my best to get this theme looking about the same, in Microshit IE6, Firefox 2.0.X, and Opera. As far as I know, it’s looking pretty damn close in all three browsers. I’m not sure about the Safari browser, because, I’m just not that lucky!

It WILL be uploaded tonight sometime, it’s now 8:33pm for me, Eastern Standard time… I should have the bitch uploaded very soon. Again, I’m not good with making images, so.. if you don’t like some of them, just licky lick my hairy nut sacks! If you really want too, make some for me!

Also, you might want to wear sun glasses and shit! Before viewing the site…it’s a big color change from the shitty Headspace theme we have now.. so.. just wanted to warn you all!! Anyway, I’m done preaching, time to get back to theming.. tata!!

I’m sure there is going to be little issues here and there once I upload it, but, I’ll try and take care of them as soon as possible!

And I mean, really soon! I’m sending this out a few hours or so early, just to give everyone the head ups!

As most of you know, I’ve posted about this numerous of times before, and never actually did anything! There’s a simple explanation for that, and that’s because I’m a lazy son of a bitch!

Nah, I can’t lie… I just spend 98% of the time with my hand between the legs, whacking it and smacking it.. Anyway, I’ll be uploading and activating an already released theme, which I quickly tweaked for on here…

To let you all know, I’m not Mr Awesome Header Graphic/Logo Designer Man! I never was any good with making images, especially when I have a shitty ass Photo Imaging software, such as: THE LIMP DICK GIMP!!

Also, there might be some little issues here and there, which I’ll have to take care of then. I’m trying my damn best to get this shit straightened now though. Even though I haven’t slept since yesterday some time … but, that’s normal!

Another thing is, this is going to be a temporary theme, I wasn’t planning on keeping this one, unless of course you folks want it for a good length of time…? I’m just sick of the damn Headspace theme, I’ve been staring at the piece of shit for almost two years now, so.. time to scrap that fucker, and put up another!

Aight, I’m done with this. That’s all, that’s it, no more shit! Tata!

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Would you lick it, and stick it?


Started up another new Feature.. the “Lick It & Stick It” feature. Where we’d post chick’s pictures, and you get to state if you’d Lick It & Stick It .. or not..

For the dumbasses out there..
Lick it: Means to lick their pussy..
Stick it: Means to stick your dick in it..

Of course, if I were you… I’d LICK IT first though.. then Stick It. Why? Cause you wouldn’t wanna taste yourself down there, right?

Ok, here goes..


Would you Lick It & Stick It?

Enter your comments now!

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I wrote an update on an hour ago..


Yeah, so, I’ve had a link exchange with for a few good years now…

And figured, fuck it, I my as well give a little something back to them, besides just sending them “hits”. So, about two hours ago I joined their site, and then wrote an Update on their site.

Yeah, so I used one of my own articles, fuck it! I know it’s not the greatest one ever, but shit, at least it’s something that everyone deals with in their shitty life, and that’s shitty relationshits, I mean.. relationships..

Hopefully sometime today, or, tomorrow, it lands on their home page. But, I guess it’s just wishful thinking. Anyway, wish me luck! Now I must go, and do shitty community service this morning.. tata!!

UPDATE: Just found out now, because stupid me didn’t read the FAQ on submitting Updates LOL!.. that, you’ll have to write up a few updates first, and if the folks that go through them, reviewing them (your writing(s) .. like them, “they” will then convince the Admins of to add your writings on the front page of

Looks like I better get writing, eh? And I guess the best thing to do is, NOT use articles from the VB blog lmao!

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Alright, since I know a lot of people bitch, bawl, and wet themselves when somebody posts pictures of other’s, especially when that someone is being made fun of.. I’ve now added an “ADD A CAPTION” feature to the site!

Following in TGO’s footsteps, I’ve went ahead and done the same for my site…

Here’s how it works.

1.) Once a day, week, whenever the fuck we feel like it, we’ll add an image to a post, then..

2.) Anyone, and everyone can post a comment towards that picture. Basically you’ll be saying something that you think the person in the picture is thinking, saying, feeling, or, whatever the hell..

3.) Be creative please! This is merely for shits and giggles!

4.) If you’re a bawl baby, or a whine ass, and comment with shitty ass comments, there will be a “Note” left in with your comment.

Now, here’s a chance for the bawl baby bastards to come out of the wood work, and go through 20 boxes of tissues. Expect the first ADD A CAPTION soon, you sniffling bawl baby bastards!!

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Fuck and, or Chuck!


I have just received another email from Yahoo on my “Latest Matches” tonight, and have decided to do up a different approach to this article.. (Yeah right, latest “matches” my fucking ass!) Oh!!, Wait, maybe that’s what they’re trying to find “matches” for then… Ok!! Now I understand..

Anyways, on with the bullshit!This article is called: “Fuck and, or Chuck!” And here’s how it works… I’m *only* using all of the chick’s self pics, and then I will comment on them individually. By each one, I will say if I’d either “Fuck” them, or “Chuck” them, or who knows… maybe even both! I might even *add extra* comments by their photos, who knows, this is all for fun..

Here below is *all* of the chick’s self pics from this email, and by each one is their verdict.. Enjoy! Also, please remember, this is shitty Pennsylvania…beggars can’t be choosers..but, what’s there is there to choose from, just relax…this is only for fun!

Chick 1 – CHUCK!! Ewww! This one is fucking sick looking, wtf Yahoo!!?? This one could pass for a lesbian gone bad on the streets or some shit!!

Chick 2 – CHUCK!! Ewww! This one is *too fat* for me!! If I was in the dark with this one, I’d almost have to make sure I was really getting a blow job or not. Who knows if I was getting a blowjob from one of those extra chins, or something else for that matter..

Chick 3 – FUCK AND CHUCK!! – This one looks fuckable, but yet..I wouldn’t wanna keep her!

Chick 4 – CHUCK!! – Same thoughts and opinions as Chick #2. *Too fat* for me!!

Chick 5 – CHUCK!! – Same thoughts and opinions as Chick #2 and #4. *Too fat* for me!!

Chick 6 – FUCK AND CHUCK!! – I’d tap it, and scrap it! I mean, she’s not bad looking, yet..again, I wouldn’t want to stay with her though.. Just something about her, makes me believe she’d be a slut bitch from hell!!

Chick 7 – FUCK!! – I would *love* to fuck this one!! Hell yeah!! Wouldn’t you!? Thinking about it now, I’d definitely would want to keep this one!! Fuck yeah I would lol!!

Chick 8 – FUCK AND CHUCK!! – I don’t think she’s too shabby really.. Yet, just something with the face makes me wanna shy away.. wouldn’t you!? Yeah, thought so lmao!!

Chick 9 – FUCK AND CHUCK!! – I don’t think this one is pretty, I mean shit..she has ugliness written all up and down that, yeah..I’d just tap it and scrap it! Hey! This is P.A. now, come on people!! Allow some leanency here..

Chick 10 – CHUCK!! – Whoa! Besides being *fat*, her face is really manly looking. Kinda looks like some *fat* chinese dude done up like a woman…ewww! Sick shit!

Chick 11 – FUCK AND CHUCK!! – She really isn’t that bad looking at all. She seems to have some nice sized lips, you all know what that means lmao.. Just something about her though..can’t put my finger on it, [cough] I mean in it!

Chick 12 – FUCK!! – I’d *love* to fuck this one as well! Hell yeah I would! I know the picture doesn’t do “justice” though..sigh. But, I’m sure she’s sexy hot if seen in person!

Chick 13 – CHUCK!! – Eeek!! [Runs, and hides some where!] Ewww!! Hells no!! Hahaha…this is what it must look like when the aliens take over a human body..

Chick 14 – CHUCK!! – Eeek!! [Runs, and hides some where far, far away!] Ewww!! Hells no!! This one looks like a Frankenstein project gone wrong or some shit… wtf is that? I’m starting to think…that this one was really a female “Bigfoot” cleaned up or something. Is this even a known species?

Chick 15 – CHUCK!! – This is what it looks like, when you’d combine a piano with a human female. Look at those piano key, teeth, she has going on there lmao!!

Well, there you have it people! *Another wonderful* list of females in my shitty State of Pennsylvania!! [Mummbles] Jesus Christ…I seriously need to move..sigh.(Please note: This was posted a good while ago.. it’s NOT NEW!!

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