Tag Archives: bitches
- 9 March, 2007
- Nosy bastards, getting in the business..– also tagged ass cunt, bastard, bastards, bitch, blah blah, hell, homeless, hubby, Jesus, love, my head, prick, shitty, sidewalks, state of pennsylvania, terds
I know this doesn’t just happen in my shitty State of Pennsylvania, but, I fucking hate nosy bastards that love being in other’s business… There’s nothing like talking with a friend, or whatever the hell, and some nosy ass cunt just has to be there listening. Ya also can’t forget the stretching of the neck […]
- 14 June, 2004
- And the bitches call me an asshole…..AH!!– also tagged abuse, asshole, attitude, back burner, bad mood, bipolar, boyfriend, bullshit, camper, defend, die, disrespect, faces, flirt, flirting, fuck off, hell, hypocrites, insults, jerk, men, mental, mental abuse, pisses off, school, self, shit, treated, verbal
I AM SO SICK OF THE BITCHES CALLING ME AN ASSHOLE! IF ANYTHING, YOU ARE THE REASON I AM ONE! Here below is just a little list of why I am so defensive at work or becoming more of an “asshole” to the bipolar bitches! 1) I CAN’T SPEAK MY MIND ON SHIT! – THEY CAN […]
- 5 June, 2004
- Don’t waste your money on Nads-Hair Remover…– also tagged basically, bonded together, bullshit, disguise, dumbass, facial hair, lick, nads hair remover, pap, pimples, plain stupid, plastic surgery, smooth face, suckers, superglue
DON’T BE A DUMBASS AND KEEP BUYING NADS – HAIR REMOVER! It’s basically super-glue in disguise! I think they just collected a shitload of superglue, changed the coloring of it a bit and changed the labeling on it! I know this has been out for awhile and they had millions of suckers buying this shit. But I was just thinking […]
- 1 June, 2004
- You know you are a Bipolar Bitch if….– also tagged bipolar, bitch, bitchy attitude, hahaha, hangout, medication, medications, meds, nerve, pharmacies, Princess, reality check, something stupid
You know you are a bipolar if…. 1) If 99% of the guys that hangout with you spend all their time kissing your ass rather thentelling you how they really feel about you because they don’t wanna end up getting therapy! 2) 1% of the men are telling you off and how they really feel […]
- 30 April, 2004
- My Ex-Wife – The Bitch!!!!– also tagged 69, argue, argument, arguments, ass, babysitter, bi-polar, bills, bipolar, bipolars, bitch, bitching, bitchy, boss, boyfriends, boys, breasts, bullshit, chore, complain, complains, control, counseling, crack, cuddle, deprived, dick, doggy style, drinking, dumby, emotions, ex-wife, excuse, family, father, Feelings, fuck, hand jobs, handjob, head, hell, kiss, kissing, manipulates, mommy, mustache, pants, pap, parent, porn, porning, sex, shorts, showers, situation, smile, snuggle, son, sons, spoiled, stick up, stress, stupid, suck, sucking, tease, therapist, therapists, tied, toes, trouble, tubes, underwear, whore, whore bag, work
I know I shouldn’t be really posting this, but fuck it lol. I know it got a lot of attention before so here it goes! I need to get this all out some how, some where lol. I’ll just put down in a numbered format what I had to put up with 24-7!! 1) She […]
- 29 April, 2004
- EVIL DWARF!…THE BITCH FROM HELL!!– also tagged ass, benefits, bipolar, bitch, cook, employee, evil dwarf, grand canyon, hell, life, luck, medications, shitty, snitch, supervisor, Wendy, work
This one is a piece of work let me tell ya! Besides all the other BIPOLAR BITCHES I have to deal with…this one takes the cake! She must be the mother of all BI POLAR BITCHES! Or maybe even the devil’s mother or older sister…I dunno. Either way it’s hard to really tell! But…anyways..this IS […]